But does then does your baby scream bloody murder when you take he or she out of the tub?

My DS just discovered this. I thought maybe it was a fluke but when he did it two nights in a row I realized it must be because he loves his bath so much. It takes a paci and some rocking to calm him down. Anyone else experience this?
DD #1 passed away in January 2011 at 14 days old due to congenital heart disease
DD#2 lost in January 2012 at 23 weeks due to anhydramnios caused by a placental abruption
Re: Does your baby love the bath?
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Yes, DS does this as well.
He loves it so much that if he is super fussy and screaming his head off and I take him into the bathroom, he stops screaming and starting smiling and giggling the second I turn the water on in the tub. it is kind of cute.
Our LO used to do this! ?Now, he loves his baths!!! ?I think we didn't have the water warm enough and he got cold. ?Now, I can even "hang" him to "drip dry" for a second or two before we wrap him in his towel. ?It should get better!
?(Try making the water and/or room a little warmer).?