We've used the Adiri. It works ok, DD just isn't very good with bottles. My thing with the Adiri is that the nipple is too short so she can't "latch" onto it very well. DD take Avent Tempo bottles best.
I saw someone using the adiri natural nurser this morning and was getting ready to look online to try to find out what it was called! The girl told me that her baby really likes that one because it feels like a breast. My baby is having issues with the Avent bottles....we are slowly trying to introduce a bottle so I can get away from time to time, but it's harder than I thought it was going to be! Colin hates the bottle!
I'm glad you posted this...I'm going to try to find the Adiri bottle today:)
The only problem w/ the Adiri bottles are that they are $12.99 per bottle! If thats the only bottle DD would take of course I would pay that much for it but I think thats crazy how much they charge for it!
we tried the adiri and i wasn't impressed. we use playtex drop ins now... i dont think the top rubber was soft enough and the nipple is a tad short as pp mentioned. imo, not worth the money
We went almost 2 months without a bottle because my son wouldn't take one and if he did, he would spit it all up. We bought the breastflow last week, he loves it... We have had no issues since.
We use the breastflow bottles and DS does really well with them. He is finicky about bottles but this is the first bottle we tried that he really likes. He will take the drop-in but it can be a battle at times! Good luck.
We love Adiri. My son is primarily breastfed, but takes a bottle a few times a week while I run in to the office to catch up on a few things and we've never had any trouble at all. As for leaking, we haven't had any problems. The nipple doesn't have to be long. The whole point is so that the baby can latch just like with the breast, so they're not latching just on the nipple, but farther up on the wider part of the bottle. We got a box of 2 and it's all we've needed. I love that there are only 3 parts and they're super easy to wash.
Another vote for breastflow here, we have to occasionally supplement due to supply issues and DS doesn't have any problem switching back and forth from breast to bottle.
We have the breastflow, playtex ventaire & avent. I like the playtex and breastflow the best. The only thing against the breastflow is that it's not BPA free.(unless they've changed it?)
Re: Adiri Natural nurser or First years breast flow? Opinions.
I saw someone using the adiri natural nurser this morning and was getting ready to look online to try to find out what it was called! The girl told me that her baby really likes that one because it feels like a breast. My baby is having issues with the Avent bottles....we are slowly trying to introduce a bottle so I can get away from time to time, but it's harder than I thought it was going to be! Colin hates the bottle!
I'm glad you posted this...I'm going to try to find the Adiri bottle today:)