2nd Trimester

2nd time moms: Looking for book recommendation

for my 2 year old son.  He'll be almost 3 when the new baby arrives and I think he might benefit from stories about big brothers with new siblings.  Any other ideas for getting him adjusted to having a sibling? 

Re: 2nd time moms: Looking for book recommendation

  • I got the "I'm a Big Sister" version for DD and it was great.


    I also went to the library and the librarian helped find some older books like Mr. Rogers' The New Baby and such that are good too.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • We recieved 2 of the "I'm a big brother" books as gifts when we were expecting our 2nd. One was by Joanna Cole, and its is a nice book, but I really prefer the other one we got, which is by Ronne Randall. He still likes to read them, even though I think he was way too young to "get it" when #2 arrived.

    Edit: here is a link the 2nd book, which I really like(d).


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  • we have three. If you are planning on nursing, I really like "our new baby"  it's a picture book (no words) but it shows daddy helping with big sister/brother while mommy nurses baby and then taking care of baby and people coming to see the baby and how big sister/brother fits into the picture.

    I also like God Gave Us Two.  We have god gave us you as well which dd really likes.  I like that it talks about the what if I don't like the baby thing, but it puts it in a good perspective and doesn't dwell on how awful it could be like some books do.  I hate the ones that just keep talking about how baby will cry and poop and take mama's time...

    the last one we have is called "i'm a big sister" (or big brother obviously) by joanna cole.I'm really not a big fan.  It's okay and it does a decent job of talking about how things will be different, but it focuses on how it stinks to be a baby because you can't do fun things like walk and talk and play.  The part that really bothers me is you never once see mom hold the baby.  Daddy always has the baby and mom is always with the toddler.  I just don't think it sets up a  realistic expectation.

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