I read in wtewye that leg cramps (I get them awfully bad in my calf-but this is my first one while pg) are from a lack of calcium. This may be 1st tri-ish but I always thought that leg cramps (muscles cramps) where from dehydration. What role does calcium play in cramps? And is it a lack of calcium or a lack of water (or combination of both) that caused my 6:52am screaming in pain calf cramp that scared the he!! out of dh?
Re: calf cramps - advice please
Ditto all of this! That was my understanding as well. Drinking lots of water and propping me legs on a pillow help A LOT.
As I'm screaming this morning saying, "ow ow ow!!!!" I was hitting dh on the back to help (this has happened before) and told him, "right calf, RIGHT CALF!!" so then he will take my foot and flex it up for me because it hurts too much to do it myself. Wimp I know. I had a banana for breakfast and I will have to call the dr. about the calcium thought. I drink a lot of water and really thought I was getting enough calcium so I'm mystified this morning. Thanks for the suggestions!
I have them bad even before pg. My foot doc suggested drinking a glass of powerade zero or G2 (both has less sugar then regular powerade/gatorade) every evening. It has helped so much. I can't eat bananas since they make me gag so this is a better option and so far so good.