
Has anyone had Hand Foot Mouth disease?

And I mean you. not DC.  I have these sores in my mouth, on my hands, and a couple on my feet.  I've had a sore throat, headaches, and fatigue.  I googled HFM and I know it's rare to have it as an adult, I never had a fever, and my sores look more like ant bites on my hands and feet and canker sores in my mouth. 

I know I could just go to the doctor but everything I've read seems to suggest it's just a viral infection and it has to just run its course.  DS hasn't had it and I don't believe it's going around his daycare.  Does this sound like this is what I might have if anyone else has had it? 

Liam is 5!
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Re: Has anyone had Hand Foot Mouth disease?

  • DH has HFM a few years ago. We also couldn't believe he had it since it is found primarily in children. He works in a hospital so he thinks he contracted it there.

    He has sores in his mouth and a high fever. He was pretty much bedridden for a week ( but you know how men are when they are sick).


    I would get it checked out by your Dr.

  • Yep.  Whatever strain went around my town when the twins turned 2 got both me and my husband as well.  We thought it was strep but all our cultures were negative, and then we noticed DD had blisters on her feet.  She was the only one who got those, but the ped. called it HFM.  I have seriously never had so sore a throat in all my life, plus we all had fevers in the 103 range.  Good times.  The baby was the only one not to get it. 
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

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