And I mean you. not DC. I have these sores in my mouth, on my hands, and a couple on my feet. I've had a sore throat, headaches, and fatigue. I googled HFM and I know it's rare to have it as an adult, I never had a fever, and my sores look more like ant bites on my hands and feet and canker sores in my mouth.
I know I could just go to the doctor but everything I've read seems to suggest it's just a viral infection and it has to just run its course. DS hasn't had it and I don't believe it's going around his daycare. Does this sound like this is what I might have if anyone else has had it?
Re: Has anyone had Hand Foot Mouth disease?
DH has HFM a few years ago. We also couldn't believe he had it since it is found primarily in children. He works in a hospital so he thinks he contracted it there.
He has sores in his mouth and a high fever. He was pretty much bedridden for a week ( but you know how men are when they are sick).
I would get it checked out by your Dr.