I don't have thunder thighs like Beyonce. My God, they are so distracting! They should really cover those up and not draw attention to them. I know they are all muscle... but she looks like a freaking Tranny. UGH.
I'll take my bloat, the weight I will gain over the next couple months and gladly be thankful.... that my legs do not look like that. Just sayin.
Re: I might be pg and gaining weight but at least...
i think its great that beyonce is proud of her thunder thighs...she has the legs of a professional dancer.
The vison portrayed in the media shouldnt be so "perfect". This it what breaks self-esteem of young girls. I think its great that beyonce is confident in her body, and their should be more "stars" who are comfortable being who they are and not trying so hard to portray another image. Beyonce is one of the better hollywood influences. After seeing her in an interview, she is truly genuine and down to earth!
I'm proud of my muscular legs. Better than fat, dimply legs, or stick legs.
I didn't see Beyonce's tonight, but normally, she looks damn good.
I am sure there are a LOT of women with thighs her size who are totally jealous that hers don't move or jiggle, even with all that dancing! Why would toned legs of any size be a bad thing?
It's too bad that we say we want our girls to have positive self images and not feel they have to be super thin to the point where they do unhealthy things to achieve it.... but then when a successful celebrity isn't super thin, we hate on her and talk about her body which just perpetuates the problem.
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