2nd Trimester

EPA / DHA pills ... or how about chocolate instead???

Ok.. I HATE taking the DHA pills because I end up burping up the fishy taste EVERY time.  So, I thought I would share my little secret with you all.  One of my clients is a chocolatier and has come up with dark chocolate squares that are made with Omega 3s.  If you eat 3 of these dark chocolate squares a day, it equivalates to 315 mg of DHA / EPA.  And, the best part is.. NO FISHY BURPS!  :) 

You can buy these things at GNC stores nationwide now.  Here's what the package looks like...


Omega 3 dark chocolates


And if you want a link for further info...


Re: EPA / DHA pills ... or how about chocolate instead???

  • do i need to be taking those in addition to my PNV
  • image~*Sarah*~:
    do i need to be taking those in addition to my PNV

    My OB recommended the One A Day prenatals, which come with the regular prenatal pill and a seperate DHA / EPA pill (fish oil).  I was taking both until I remembered about these chocolates!  Now I take my prenatal and eat a piece of chocolate 3 times a day.

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  • hmm good to know i will have to ask my doctor about it he didnt say anything to me about taking them
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