2nd Trimester

Implants and breastfeeding

Do you of you have implants? If so, are you going to try and breatfeed? I didn't breastfeed my 2 daughter (I had alot of problems breastfeeding my first...she wasn't getting enough milk, colic, etc) but now I am considering "trying" but I am unsure if I will be able to. Just wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing.

My doctor said I should be able to because with my daughter my breasts were so engorged with milk that it clogged my milk ducts and I was in a lot of pain because I just had to let the milk dry out.

Re: Implants and breastfeeding

  • I'm going to try. My implants are under the muscle and were inserted in the crease under my breasts, so the ducts/glands were not disrupted at all. I'm not 100% gung-ho about it, so if it doesn't work, it doesn't work!

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  • I don't have implants, but I know another bumpie who does that plans on breastfeeding. Her name is Neudorfer, but I haven't seen her on here today. You might try catching her during the day as she is usually on then!
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  • My sister has implants and has done great breast feeding her son is now 9weeks old
  • imageg8orell:

    I'm going to try. My implants are under the muscle and were inserted in the crease under my breasts, so the ducts/glands were not disrupted at all. I'm not 100% gung-ho about it, so if it doesn't work, it doesn't work!

    hmmm...mine are under the muscle as well but were inserted through a small slit under my nipple (it was 9 years ago). I guess like you said I can try and if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work.


  • imageMidwestTexan:
    I don't have implants, but I know another bumpie who does that plans on breastfeeding. Her name is Neudorfer, but I haven't seen her on here today. You might try catching her during the day as she is usually on then!

    Thanks...I will try and ask her as well.

  • imagenikkinack1:
    My sister has implants and has done great breast feeding her son is now 9weeks old

    Wow that's good news. Thanks.

  • I am planning to breastfeed.  My implants are under the muscle and have no contact with breast tissue.  That being said, I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens.  I have my fingers crossed that I get milk and all is good.

    Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)

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  • I don't have implants, but I had a breast reduction about 8 years ago. I do plan to try to breastfeed. At the time, I was a junior in HS, but I remember asking my plastic surgeon if I would be able to breastfeed in the future, and he said I should be able to since they didn't have to remove the nipple.
  • I have implants and mine too are under the muscle and were placed through the crease. My ob said that I shouldn't have a problem since they are under the muscle, but she also said that it's just one of those things that you have to wait and see. I do leak quite often, so I am hoping that that is a good sign.
  • Yes - I have under the muscle implants & am fully planning on BF. I had the surgery about 4 years ago & this was something I discussed at length with my doctor. He assured me that the implants would not cause any problem. I am not liking the enormous size of them right now though!!
  • I have them and although I had problems BFing it was not due to my implants (under the muscle, incision under the nipple.)  He was just a bad latcher and would fall asleep at the breast.  Don't do what I did though.  I was so afraid that my implants would prevent him from getting enough that I started supplementing right away.  I am pretty sure that he got too used to the bottle and didn't want to do the work at the breast.

    I exclusively pump now and my supply is fine. 

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