2nd Trimester

I hope this is not taken as a weight post.

according to books and the internet yes everyone is different but it says that i should have gained 8-15lbs by now. I get freaked out every now and then that things are not ?ok in there. i feel the baby from time to time fluttering and such but should i be concerned about not being in the weight bracket given. ?I am a curvy girl(size12-14) pre pregnant to maybe the baby has more room to develop without me gaining a lot or ?showing much. Im sorry if this offended. am i just freaking out for no reason? TIA

Re: I hope this is not taken as a weight post.

  • You are probably freaking out for no reason. Ask your dr about it. Everyone IS different and while there are recs for pregnancy weight gain, it's hard to stay on a timeline. Sometimes you fall behind it, sometimes you skip ahead of it. But your dr will definitely let you know if there is a problem either way.
  • At my last MW appointment (3 weeks ago) I was actually down 2lbs. She was not concerned at all. I have had morning sickness since week 7 so I think that is playing a lot into it.

    What does your doctor say?

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  • I would never complain abotu not gaining enough!  You have  lots of time to make up for it.  I believe you gain the most in your 3rd tri.
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  • I didn't start putting on weight until about 23 weeks.  I am about a 10-12 size and 5'8".  My doctor says I am right were I should be.  As long as Dr. says you are OK, be happy, not freaked out!
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  • as long as your doctor says it's not a problem, then don't worry about it.  i didn't start feeling consistent movement till about 22 weeks. 
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  • I was told by my midwife that since I'm plus sized (18/20) pre pregnancy, that I don't have to gain a lot of the extra weight because my body already has it. I was told I'm only supposed to gain 15-20 lbs over my whole pregnancy. I've only gained around 3-5 lbs so far.
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  • If your Dr has a problem with your weight gain, then worry. If he or she has not said anything you should bring up your concerns. As far as movement. This is my third and I have felt little movements since week 13/14 but nothing steady until week 22 plus. Now she does not stop moving! don't stress, your doing fine.
  • I think those "you should have gained XX pounds by XX time" guidelines are totally worthless. If you have morning sickness and start out losing weight, you have to gain a lot of weight to hit that range. Some people don't lose any weight in the beginning and start packing on the pounds right away. Some people gain a lot in the beginning and taper off in the end while others start out with slow gains and then speed up later on in the pregnancy. If your doctor isn't concerned, then you shouldn't be. They are the only one who can tell you how you should be doing.
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  • I wouldn't worry yourself too much.  If you were not in the right weight bracket, your  doctor would say something. 
  • you are more than likely freaking out for no reason! :)  by 18w, i had only gained like 5lbs and was worried that i should have been gaining more...well let me tell you, my body has more than made up for it over the past 7w.  its like all of the sudden my body just realized it wanted to gain a bunch of weight! :)  i'm up about 15lbs now.  my doc feels good about my gain and thats all that matters.  if your doc hasn't mentioned anything that it obviously isn't a concern.
    DS - June 2009
    DD - February 2011
  • I was a 14 pre-pg and have not gained as much as the standard books say is normal. I gained nothing until 18 weeks or so (lost a few lbs) but at almost 22 weeks am now up about 6 lbs. I wouldn't worry if your doctor hasn't said anything.
    *** It's funny because I'm fat ***
  • i know i will get to a point that the weight will just keep adding up. so I am totally fine with this as long as the baby is still growing. My doctor as of last appointment said it was only a problem if i stayed this way through the end of my second tri into the third. I have an appointment next ?monday. I guess i always freak my self out that something is wrong the week before my appointment. thanks ladies
  • You're completely right that everyone IS different.  The books are for guideline purposes only and can not be interpreted as true for each individual.  Until I was 33 weeksish along last pregnancy I had only gained 15 lbsish, but in total I gained a normal 32 lbs.  Same with movement, everyone will feel the little bean at different stages in their pregnancy.   Don't worry, relax and enjoy yourself! :)
  • I am 19 weeks and STILL haven't put on ANY weight... I actually lost another 2 lbs at my last appt and didn't get a positive response from my OB, but she didn't act like it was anything to worry about.  If it was a problem, I am sure your OB would say something.  I just make sure I am eating when ever I get hungry :-)
  • Pretty sure you are just fine. I am also 18 weeks and I have gained about 5 lbs or so, and don't really have a bump yet either.
    ~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time
  • thank you all so much for the?positive?support I know you may not believe this but i feel a lot more relaxed and better about the baby. I guess some times you just freak out for no reason. i think i will blame the hormones for this one
  • At 17 weeks I was only up 2 lbs.  My dr was fine with that since I started out with a little extra weight (although I started 10 lbs down from my first pg!).  Every person is different and every pregnancy is different (I had gained 5-6 lbs in the same period with #1).  As long as you're eating when you're hungry, and eating healthy things, I wouldn't worry about the number at all!
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  • yup i am a healthy eater ?I am eating normal amounts during the day and eating whatever i want within reason. I?indulge?my cravings ?but i also am making sure that i am not going over board. I start my?pregnancy?at a weight lost maybe 6-8lbs and at my second appointment i had lost 1lb and my appointment after that i stayed the same and this next appointment on march 2 I think that they will tell me that i have only gained like 3 lbs so I will ask them if it is something to be concerned about,now back to enjoying my third pickle of the night lol
  • If it makes you feel any better, I didn't feel DS at all until 20w.  I also didn't gain a single lb until I was 20w (but I never had m/s).  I ended up gaining 21 lbs between 20w-35w (when I delievred) without changing a THING with my diet.  This time I had terrible m/s and lost 9 lbs.  I've managed to gain that 9 lbs back, but nothing more.  This DC started moving around 15-16w.  I am trying to be less stressed about not gaining weight, but it's difficult.  My MIL did this in all 4 of her pregnancies. 

    Each person and baby is different.  If your Dr is OK with it, then everything is OK.

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