I keep seeing all these shoes for newborn babies and while they are cute I'm not sure I understand why you *need* them. Is it just cause they're cute? When do babies need shoes?
mr & mrs || 11.18.06
DD born 07.06.09 || DS born 01.24.11 || Bean 3.0 due 11.16.12
Re: Do babies need shoes?
They don't need them but I always had DD in shoes. I like the way that they look and they kept her feet warmer than just a pair of socks. She pulled Robeez off from day one and I got sick of constantly putting them back on.
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I wouldn't put shoes on my DS before he was cruising. If it was cold out, he always had socks and a blanket. I think most of them look so uncomfortable and too adult-like. I think they look silly on babies - just my opinion
They are a waste of money unless you like to play dress up with your DC.
Robeez are great when they start cruising, as long as they start fairly young. DS wore them for months and didn't ever pull them off. He actually didn't ever go through that phase so I guess that's why
Around 11 months when he was really on the go our pedi suggested getting a good pair of stride rite shoes or similar because it helps keep their back aligned as they learn to balance. I also heard to keep socks or Robeez type shoes on so they can feel the floor. Before walking, they're for dress up if you go that route. GL
See: Baby Sneakers bit by the Target Lady.
They don't really need them. I guess if they start pulling their socks off then you would want to get a pair that is very soft if you must keep their feet covered like outside or if they go to daycare.
With that said, DS had several pairs of shoes (pretty soft) and my DD already has two super cute ones that my mom and aunt bought for her. Anyway, DS wore socks most of the time until he started cruising and then we got Pedipeds. I personally do not like Robeez. Pedipeds are great.
Baby Bargains says "we suggest waiting to buy shoes until walking is firmly established'
I don't plan to buy any shoes right away, though my MIL said that she already bought a pair of pink tennis shoes, apparently they were soo cute she couldn't resist. They're going to look really weird though if we have a boy...