As we were driving to the golf store today for DH - we noticed a new store had opened up - Buy Buy Baby. I had never even heard of it before, so we went in. It's HUGE and reminded me exactly of a Bed Bath & Beyond but for babies.... has anyone else been in one of these? I thought it'd be great to register (seems like it even has a lot more than Babies R Us)...but it doesn't appear there is one near MY family. Just looking for opinions. And does anyone know if it's connected to Bed Bath & Beyond?
P.S. It was DH's idea to stop there AND Babies R Us today just to browse...awww!
Re: Buy Buy Baby ?
I wasn't too impressed. They just opened one in Columbus, but I prefer BRU. They seemed to be a little bit more expensive than BRU and had a smaller selection. But they take Bed Bath and Beyond coupons which is cool.
and then there were 3...
It's so much better that BRU in my opinion! You can't beat the selection!
I was just introduced to it last week. It should remind you of Bed Bath and Beyond because it's owned by them. You can also used all Bed Bath and Beyond coupons there except for furniture, diapers, formula and a few high end strollers.
They have amazing customer service and in store support. I opened an additional registry at this store because IMO - it's wonderful.