Seems like every Sunday in church while we are standing I feel light headed and/or faint. This morning it got so bad I actually sat down during one of the songs and felt ridiculous. I sneak a bottle of water in my purse so I can sip on that during the service and it helps, but it's starting to make me mad.
Today as we were leaving to go, a lady taps my DH on the shoulder and asks if I was ok. Then she turns to me when I turned around and told me that she was worried about me the whole service. Apparently she's a "retired nurse and a mom" so she just knows things like that. She said my color was ok, so she thought I would be ok. Funny. I guess it was sweet she cared. )
Re: Anyone else get light headed once in a while?
I do, but recently found out that I am anemic (which might be why I have also been exhausted).
Have you had your blood tested recently? Maybe take a little bit extra iron. Or up your intake of leafy greens.
I do here and there. It's been happening more and more lately.
I also get light-headed and I am also anemic. Instead of iron, which can aggravate constipation, my doctor told me to take B12. It helps give you a little boost of energy too.
Don't worry about getting light-headed at "inappropriate times." Do what you need to do to keep the baby and yourself healthy. If you need to sit during songs, then do so. Who cares what people say.