2nd Trimester


You look so cute in your siggy pic!  Where did you get your suit?  Is a maternity bathing suit?  We are going to Hawaii in April and I am sure by then my pre preggo suits wont fit??

Re: jolis_petits_bijoux!!

  • Hello!  Thank you!  I love that pic - well I love Jamaica anyway - it's over 6 weeks old, but I can't bear to change it.  Wink

    The suit is not a maternity suit.  It's simply a regular tankini from Victoria's Secret.  I think it's the Miracle Bra kind - I took the pads out because I don't need more boobage at this time, but I love the underwire.  In the picture, I flipped up the tankini to show off my bump since it was a bump pic.

    Not sure how many weeks you'll be when you go to Hawaii - I was 17-18.5 weeks in Jamaica, and I just had a teeny bump.  I think that if I put that tankini top on now, it would still fit, but the tank part would just slide up my bump toward my boobs, if that makes sense. 

    I say, just get a bikini and let the bump hang out.  Wink  The bigger your bump is, the cuter it will be!

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