my pressure on my cervix/in my vagina has gotten worse! I called my FI's mom because she's a nurse and she is going to fit me in first thing in the morning at the OB. I literally feel like my baby is about to fall out of me. She asked me if I had been bleeding or crampy with it and I haven't been so I really hope it's nothing. I'm kinda scared now. Anyone been through this and can give me some reassurance?
EDIT: I should also say that if the pain gets worse or if I start bleeding or feeling crampy I will go to the ER but I need some reassurance to get me through the day until my appt tomorrow!
Re: I know I posted about this yesterday too but..
my OB told me at the last visit that I may start to feel extreme pressure and feel as if the baby is going to fall out. he said this is normal.
he said not to worry but call if i am worried. I say call the dr. but try not to worry it sounds like what my OB told me about.
At night when I feel her its down low in my abdomen but it feels like she's rolling over and the kicks aren't really on my cervix but they are still in the pelvic region so I feel like thats all it is. Yesterday it was uncomfy but today it actually hurts so of couse I get scared.
That's totally understandable! I've been lucky and my son hasn't caused me any scares (at least not yet!) so I either have a very high tolerance for pain or my son is just a sweet little angel in there.
My doctor told me exactly the same thing this week. She said that for the next 3-4 weeks I may feel even more pressure than I did at 18 weeks. She said it was the uterus moving further up into the abdomen and growing with the baby and the ligaments adjusting to the weight and new positions. She said that it could get rather painful and uncomfortable and to not worry unless there was bleeding or prolonged cramping.?
I wish my doctor would have been as good as yaws were. They haven't told me anything like this!