2nd Trimester

Pregnancy Paranoia

Geez I feel like a 1st trimester poster instead of almost a 3rd trimester girl.  I feel like I've been pretty good as far as following the "rules" for pregnancy.  I've been eating balanced meals and doing prenatal yoga classes but the one thing I've let myself be bad on is caffeine.  I don't drink coffee except maybe once a week.  But, I've been drinking probably 2 glasses of tea a day and maybe one coke or two as well.  That's on a bad day but always I have at least 2 glasses of iced tea.  For some reason tonight it just hit me that is really a lot because I've been doing it for 26 weeks now.  I came home from dinner and poured out all the caffeine in the house.  I don't know why but I just started to feel really guilty!  Someone just tell me to breath and go to bed.  :)

Re: Pregnancy Paranoia

  • Breath and go to bed!  Just kidding.  I would try not to worry about it too much, I know you can't help it, but you should relax and just start making the change now.  Good luck! 
  • take a breath and go to bed! :o)  It will be okay!  Maybe the yoga offsets the caffeine?! 

    I asked the doc when I was about 20 weeks if I could please have diet coke...and he said sure!  that he hears women say they need it all the time.  :o)  But, I had to watch that I didn't get back into my crazy addiction days (I quit cold turkey before I even knew I was preg. because i was having so much of it).   






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  • Drinking caffeine is supposed to be ok as long as for each glass of?caffeine?beverage?that you drink you drink the same size glass of water...?Caffeine's?not proven to have any birth defects it just cuts down your blood flow so by drinking water you get your blood flow up. I don't drink?caffeine?mostly for the fact that it has made me sick since I got pg.
  • My doc told me I can have one cup- thank god b/c I would die w/o it...I'm more nervous about the what ifs- we have our NT sono on wednesday and I am nervous for that!
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