2nd Trimester

Popped a Rib out today (vent)

So I bent over at work tonight to get a customer a bag, and I popped a rib out of place.  I've done this before, but it's never hurt this bad.  I actually thought for half a second that I was having a heart attack!  I literally couldn't draw a breath and it felt like someone stabbed me in the breast bone.  Everytime I arch my back I can feel it pop.  This does not feel good.

 Could this be due to all that ligament loosening I'm reading about?  The only other time this ever happened to me it took two trips to the chiro to get it right again, and I'm not looking forward to having this happen multiple times between now and August.  Uggh.

Re: Popped a Rib out today (vent)

  • Not that this is probably going to be any help... but I just read "Belly Laughs" and in the book, the author had this happen all the time... and she kept having to get them put back in. Not sure if it was when she was in the late months, or around now... but maybe could it have something to do with the ligaments and muscles moving around?
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