Just wondering how many of you did the quad test and why or why did you not do it? We are trying to decide if we should do it. We weren't going to but now I have been leaning towards doing it. My only problem is that we have a super high deductable ($2,600) and havent met it yet so I have no idea what the quad test would cost me.
So did you do the quad test or not and are your happy with your decision?
Re: Did you do the Quad test?
I understand about the deductible... my ultrasounds weren't covered (crazy!) but the super expensive blood work was. It's messed up.
What does your doctor recommend?
I had the Ultrascreen (NT Scan/Blood Work) and the AFP test. My office doesn't do the Quad Screen.
I say find out more?cost, etc.?and make the decision on what's best for your baby.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
To read my blog, click on the giraffe pic below!
Really?? Mine is the opposite. My internal u/s were covered but my insane bloodwork whichis costing me 1,200 was not covered
Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)
IVF #1/ICSI 2008 – 22 ER, 21 F, Day 3 transfer (8A and 8B) - BFP, 3 Frosties
Surprise BFP 2010
Surprise BFP 2011
Shipped frosties from TX to VA in 2012
FET #1 May 2013, single blast – BFN
FET #2 August 2013 2 blasts – BFN
IVF #2/ICSI/AH Jan 2014 – 8 ER, 7M, 6 F Day 3 transfer (grade 2 & 3), no frosties - BFP!