2nd Trimester

Did you do the Quad test?

Just wondering how many of you did the quad test and why or why did you not do it? We are trying to decide if we should do it. We weren't going to but now I have been leaning towards doing it. My only problem is that we have a super high deductable ($2,600) and havent met it yet so I have no idea what the quad test would cost me.

So did you do the quad test or not and are your happy with your decision?

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Re: Did you do the Quad test?

  • We did it, but it was covered fully by insurance. Everything came out fine. I'd def do it again just because I like having the peace of mind knowing that everything is fine and I would have wanted to be prepared if there was a problem.
  • I understand about the deductible... my ultrasounds weren't covered (crazy!) but the super expensive blood work was. It's messed up.

    What does your doctor recommend?

    I had the Ultrascreen (NT Scan/Blood Work) and the AFP test. My office doesn't do the Quad Screen. 

    I say find out more?cost, etc.?and make the decision on what's best for your baby.


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  • Ours was covered by insurance so we did it.  I feel like that is information that I need to know.  I am glad we did because eveything came out great.  It was peace of mind!
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  • imagerobynlesley:

    I understand about the deductible... my ultrasounds weren't covered (crazy!) but the super expensive blood work was. It's messed up.


    Really?? Mine is the opposite. My internal u/s were covered but my insane bloodwork whichis costing me 1,200 was not covered :(

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  • I did it and I'll do it again. However, I would stress to you that there is a lot higher false positive rate than your doctor tells you.
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  • I did with my first. I did not the other two times and I will not this time. I did do the first trimester screening ( NT scan) and will do the AFP at 16 weeks.
  • I did it, it didn't even occur to me not to.  I'm one of those people that at my last check-up, my Dr. gave me the paperwork, told me to go to the lab on a particular date, and I didn't even think to question it. Everything seems like such a whirlwind lately that I don't even know what tests they send me for anymore....
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  • I debated whether or not to do it and it's really easy to say go for it when the results come back negative.Our result came back elevated for spina bifida. Everything ended up being fine with the baby after we met with the perinatologist (thought a placental tear can cause the elevation so I will have to go back and have another U/S at 32 weeks) it was incredibly stressful until we got to sit with the dr, just to be told everything is ok. I would say it depends on what you would do with the information. If you would keep your baby no matter what, regardless of the results, I would skip it. I don't think I will do it if we have another baby.
  • The quad wasn't offered to me as an option, but if it was, I would have done it. We did the NT scan and the 16 week follow up for tris and downs, because as parents we want to know everything that's going on with our baby.
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  • We did it b/c it's free (military) but they haven't called with the results and it's been almost 2 weeks.  DH printed them off the computer b/c he's a health care worker, but we want to hear the OB's interpretation.  Either way, we are planners and we like to know what's going on!

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  • I opted out. ?I feel like I didn't need the extra stress if we got a false positive (and I know they are common) my OB did downplay the false positives like a pp mentioned. ?I also figured if there was an issue like spina bifida, the big u/s would most likely pick it up (it did for my SIL's baby). ?It is a personal decision and just go with what you are comfortable doing. ?I briefly thought about doing it but ultimately decided against it and I haven't thought twice about it since. ?GL!
  • I was going to (actually the sequential screen) but wasn't able to go when they were available for testing. Our NT was fantatstic so I figured that was good enough.
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