2nd Trimester

I'm annoyed at my Sister

So, she got pregnant by accident, but she's okay with it now and the father is trying to be involved which is good.  I'm annoyed at her because she has known for three week that's she's pregnant and she STILL has not contacted a doctor to schedule a first prenatal exam and get a confirmation that she is pregnant.  How do I tell you nicely that she needs to schedule something, because it is possible that she may have to wait a while (maybe 3 weeks or more) to actually get the appointment.  Oh, I guess I could just say that.Embarrassed 


Re: I'm annoyed at my Sister

  • With my first two pregnancies my doctors office wouldn't see/schedule me until between 8-10 weeks.

    With this one I insisted that I be seen asap since I never made it to either first appointments due to m/c's.


  • That's why I'm surprised/annoyed that she hasn't scheduled an appointment yet.  She's already 8 weeks and by the time she finds a doctor taking new patients, who knows how long she'll have to wait before she actually gets to see the doctor!
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  • Honestly? Don't worry about it. If she got a positive test, she's pregnant. There's really no need to "confirm" anything. As long as she goes in sometime in her 1st Trimester it's really not a big deal. Especially if she's not planning on having some of the early downs testing done. I'm sure she'll get around to it, she probably just needs a couple weeks to digest the whole situation.

    image Don't argue with idiots, they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience. - Mrs. G
  • And if you're worried about her having a miscarriage... you might as well stop. Even if she goes to the Dr. there is absolutely nothing they can do for her if she's going to lose the baby.

    image Don't argue with idiots, they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience. - Mrs. G
  • I'm not worried about miscarriage or confirmation, but about all the usefull stuff that comes with the first prenatal exam (at least as it was for me).  She has a tendency to stick her head in the sand and procrastinate.  She's had 3 weeks to get used to it.   She says she's excited now and I'm trying to be as supportive as I can.  But, she has anxiety issues and never likes to phone unknown people for even the simplest of things.   Where she lives wait times for appointment likes that can be incredibly lengthy, so I'm worried that if she doesn't call soon she may not even get in before her first tri. is done.  
  • Exactly Jason'swife! I would worry more about making sure she's taking vitamins and getting the nutrients she needs.

  • Does Kentucky Fried Chicken and rice krispies count?  lol!  Just kidding.   She's trying to do things right, but she's missing work because of morning sickness (no throwing up, just an all around carsick feeling - I had the same) and I know that the doctor can prescribe diclectin for that.  She can't afford to miss work.    ***sigh***  If only you knew her..... I love her, but she has a tendency to avoid important things.
  • Thanks for the advice, though.  I just have to chill and let her make her own decisions....... very hard to do - she's my little sister and I've always kind of taken' care of her - sometimes against her will and sometimes against mine Stick out tongue
  • I called the day I got a BFP and still wasn't seen until I was 8 weeks along. There is no reason she needs to confirm her pregnancy, as long as she got a + HPT and hasn't started her period.?

    No, she shouldn't wait too long to call, but more likely than not they'll fit her in around 8-10 weeks. ?

    Contemplating the snow.
    Mes Petit Choux
    I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then. ~ Alice

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  • I was traveling when I got an unexpected BFP with DD.  I called my PCP right away to ask what to do, because I wouldn't be home until I was around 12 weeks.  They made an appointment for me to confirm (office policy) right when I got back and the first prenatal meeting with a nurse at 13 weeks.  I saw the doctor for the first time at 13.5 and half weeks.  They told me not to worry about not seeing a doctor in the 1st tri as there wasn't much to be done, take my prenatals, and watch what I eat.  From there I took my advice from both my sisters who had just delivered.  I  would have preferred to get in sooner, but I was fine and so was my DD.  Try not to worry about it.  She will come around and make the phone call. 
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  • imagejulygal:
    I was traveling when I got an unexpected BFP with DD.  I called my PCP right away to ask what to do, because I wouldn't be home until I was around 12 weeks.  They made an appointment for me to confirm (office policy) right when I got back and the first prenatal meeting with a nurse at 13 weeks.  I saw the doctor for the first time at 13.5 and half weeks.  They told me not to worry about not seeing a doctor in the 1st tri as there wasn't much to be done, take my prenatals, and watch what I eat.  From there I took my advice from both my sisters who had just delivered.  I  would have preferred to get in sooner, but I was fine and so was my DD.  Try not to worry about it.  She will come around and make the phone call. 


  • I'd say something - as a sister, she might be irritated with you, but you'll feel better for saying it, and she may be better informed because of you. A coworker of mine is over 20 weeks pregnant and STILL has not been to the doctor. There were alot of things I didn't know until I went to the doctor, and I'm sure she'll be the same way!
  • I think I would just tell her to get on prenatals and leave it at that for now. The dr can't do anything to stop a m/c at this point anyway. Unless she is getting the NT scan...
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  • shes your sister and your just looking out for her... it's normal to care, but she will be ok?
  • My doctors office wouldn't see me until 12 weeks.
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