2nd Trimester

How did you tell family?

I'm looking for ideas for how to tell our family about baby #2.  Both sides of our family live close, so we'll be doing it in person.  Give me your ideas.


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Re: How did you tell family?

  • DS wore the shirt in my sig and that's how we announced to both of our parents. Both times, he had another shirt over it and we pretended he wasted something on it. Then we just waited for someone to notice and respond. It was fun!
  • we have dinner at my inlaws every sunday night. every once in a while we bring dessert. when we decided to tell them, we brought cupcakes and wrote out "we're having a baby" and jumbled them all up. it took them a while to get it but once they made out "baby" they got the rest.
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  • It was about 2 months before our mom's birtday's (they are one day apart) so we told them we had a gift for them that we were too excited about to wait. we gave them baby bibs, they said "grandma's little sunshine".
    BFP#1 10/8/08 DD born 6/24/09
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    BFP#2 4/4/12 EDD: 12/13/12 m/c at 8w2d
    BFP#3 8/18/12 EDD: 5/1/13 Beta @13DPO: 61, Beta@15DPO: 216
    Baby BOY!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • We told our parents with a video montage that we made that had the pee stick and first u/s picture at the end.

    We told my little brother and sister with shirts (and were able to get that one on tape):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfnob5ZSJho 

  • We told at Christmas and had everyone open at same time.

    Sil/BIl: Each got a frame from Hallmark that said, Aunt, like Mom only cooler or Uncle, like Dad only cooler.

    MIL/SFIL and my mom and dad: I love Grandma/Grandpa Bibs and an U/S picture frame w/ u/s in it

    FIL: I love Grandpa bib and u/s pictures

    My sisters: Each for a mug that say, Aunts are so much fun! from Hallmark.

  • We planned to slip it into our Thanksgiving prayer i.e. "and thank you for the new blessing on the way" or "and please be with us as we prepare for the new baby" but my DH's grandma unexpectedly passed away the weekend before.  He flew home from his business location for the night to be with the family - we decided to tell everyone while we were all together and his aunt/godmother was present. 

    So we bought little baby shoes (we lucked out and found cute little sandals on clearance that will be perfect for a pic of our summer baby).  When we were all together my husband took his youngest nephew who is 3 out of the room and gave him the shoes and told him to give them to grandma.  He was adorable! I wish we had been able to get a shot of him because he had a real big smile and instinctively hid them behind his back until he handed them to her!  Ironically it was my SIL, who is not normally the fastest, who figured it out!  Now we have a reminder of the moment.






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  • I have 2 furry babies already.  I bought them personalized t-shirts that said they were going to be a big brother and big sister.  Then we had all our parents over for dinner and brought the dogs down.  At first they thought we had them all over because we were getting another dog, but once they figured it out they all thought it was the perfect way for us to tell people. Smile
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