I have said goodbye. My husband has just taken our dog Ebony to go to Heaven. I want to believe that I am doing the right thing, and I hope that I soon will believe that. I just wonder if this is God's plan - taking away my one daughter and the only one I have known to bring me another.
Please pray for me and for Ebony as this is the hardest decision I have ever made in my life. I hope that I soon can find reassurance and have faith.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers - I greatly appreciate them. ~Gail
Re: NBR: Update on my dog
Do not take this in any offense to you because I admire your courage in being able to make this decision that I would not be able to. Just reading your story makes me cry and feel sorry for your dog even though your decision is for the best. I am just such a huge baby and can't take things like this. I went through this with a dog when I was little except she just turned mean all of a sudden and wouldn't let anyone including my mom get close to me without attacking them. One morning I left for school thinking i'd come home and she'd still be there but instead my parents took her to be euthenized that day while I was at school and it broke my heart.
I seriously admire you. You are such a strong woman.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
Oh Gail,
I'm so sorry. I'm sitting here sobbing with you. I know that this is the hardest decision ever, and I can only imagine what you are going through. Just know that this is the right decision. You don't want your doggie to endure any more suffering. I'm truly truly sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I hope you can find peace in knowing that you did the best thing for Ebony.
I'm so sorry for you. I have had 2 beloved pets/family members that I've had to have put down. One was my childhood dog (we got her when I was in kindergarten and put her down when I was in college) and most recently a kitten that my DH and I had adopted. It is the hardest thing ever to send/bring them to be euthanized and it's definitely a grieving process. It will take time but I'm sure it will help you heal knowing that you have this beautiful baby girl to look forward to.
You are doing the best thing for Ebony, don't ever forget that. When we put our kitten down, my mom brought us a potted philodendron that we've been able to call our "Zac plant" - philodendrons are great because you can cut them apart, put them in water and have new plants. It has been like Zac's life multiplying in our house. I'm telling you this because it may help you to have something like a plant in memory of your Ebony.
Praying for you today.
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
just know that you made the right decision. she is no longer suffering and you don't have to keep worrying about her.
it's hard to think about it now, but a few months after we lost molly we got another dog (in my siggy...we weren't planning on it, it just happend). and, although he will never replace molly, the love we have for him makes the memories of her happier.
best of luck. you will get through this