2nd Trimester

If you could, would you choose your baby's sex?

Re: If you could, would you choose your baby's sex?

  • could never! i am not god...thats his job
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagetiffany0486:
    could never! i am not god...thats his job

    Well, yes it most certaintly is God's job but since this is hypothetical - the question is if you COULD. And if you could, then it wouldn't be God's job. It would be something you could control. KWIM?

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  • well- you CAN choose it- but it's not easy- requires IVF with genetic testing, etc.... so it's not really a good hypothetical the way the question is written.

    I would say "yes" only if it did not require medical intervention and was 100% safe, etc - ie) only in fantasy world :)

  • -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.
  • imageGoldie_Locks_5:

    well- you CAN choose it- but it's not easy- requires IVF with genetic testing, etc.... so it's not really a good hypothetical the way the question is written.

    I would say "yes" only if it did not require medical intervention and was 100% safe, etc - ie) only in fantasy world :)

    Hmmm... well, I just copied it from the mag but I assume they meant if you could just magically choose as opposed to doing it medically.

  • imageEkstasis:
    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


  • Magically and medically speaking, I couldn't do choose the child's sex, because I'd always be wondering if I made the right decision!

  • imageAliliv:

    Magically and medically speaking, I couldn't do choose the child's sex, because I'd always be wondering if I made the right decision!

    Very true!

  • imagethatgirlang:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

  • imageEkstasis:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

    Wouldn't the child's gender be up to the "sperm of the beholder" and not the eye? Big Smile

  • imageEkstasis:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

    Well, we all know the sex is "up to" the father but it's not like they choose it. That's all. That's what the poll is about. Anyway, it's just for fun!

  • imageAliliv:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

    Wouldn't the child's gender be up to the "sperm of the beholder" and not the eye? Big Smile


  • Yep, I would!
  • There was a similar poll on this, yesterday or the day before.  I wish I could find it, I'd post a link.  It was a long thread...

    I chose no, even though I've always wanted both a boy and a girl... I'd be just as happy with another little boy.  I wouldn't feel right about choosing, and as PP said, I'd always be wondering if I made the right choice!

    Even if you don't believe in God's will/fate/Mother Nature/etc., gender selection still seems just a bit too invasive and unnatural to me.  What's next, choosing our child's hair color?  Height?  Personality traits? 

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  • imagethatgirlang:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

    Well, we all know the sex is "up to" the father but it's not like they choose it. That's all. That's what the poll is about. Anyway, it's just for fun!

    I never stated the man chooses the sex himself in particular silly girl. Although he is the one in which he carries the X and Y chromosome? but it?s most defiantly not in gods hands now is it?  

  • imageAliliv:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

    Wouldn't the child's gender be up to the "sperm of the beholder" and not the eye? Big Smile

    -laughs- Could go both ways. Whatever you want to call it.


  • imageEkstasis:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

    Well, we all know the sex is "up to" the father but it's not like they choose it. That's all. That's what the poll is about. Anyway, it's just for fun!

    I never stated the man chooses the sex himself in particular silly girl. Although he is the one in which he carries the X and Y chromosome? but it?s most defiantly not in gods hands now is it?  

    LOL. Nooo.... I meant that was the point of the poll. If you could CHOOSE. Even though we know it's determined by the dad. Not that you said the man could choose.

    But what has mostly been cleared up is that you were responding to the person that said it's in God's hands. ::light bulb!::

  • imagethatgirlang:

    -laughs- Well actually scientifically your Childs gender is up to the eye of the beholder which would be the father of your child.


    What are you confused on my dear?

    Well, we all know the sex is "up to" the father but it's not like they choose it. That's all. That's what the poll is about. Anyway, it's just for fun!

    I never stated the man chooses the sex himself in particular silly girl. Although he is the one in which he carries the X and Y chromosome? but it?s most defiantly not in gods hands now is it?  

    LOL. Nooo.... I meant that was the point of the poll. If you could CHOOSE. Even though we know it's determined by the dad. Not that you said the man could choose.

    But what has mostly been cleared up is that you were responding to the person that said it's in God's hands. ::light bulb!::

    I understand the poll very clearly. No. No. I was really responding to the both of you, but thank you.   Here.. lets do this for the sanity of both of us. Lets just leave it at this being that you seem to have a hard time understanding my simple fact. Truthfully I?m having a hard time understanding where your confusion is at?   You can play the pregnancy card on this one if you?d like I?d completely understand. -winks- 
  • LOL. Oh no! I thought I cleared it all up!

    Your fact about the dad determining the sex didn't confuse me. It was what that had to do with the post/poll. I was confused at the randomness of it because I thought you were responding to the poll itself but when I realized you were responding to the "God's hands" comments then it made sense.

    Does that make sense?

  • imagethatgirlang:

    LOL. Oh no! I thought I cleared it all up!

    Your fact about the dad determining the sex didn't confuse me. It was what that had to do with the post/poll. I was confused at the randomness of it because I thought you were responding to the poll itself but when I realized you were responding to the "God's hands" comments then it made sense.

    Does that make sense?

    I should have made myself clearer in whom I was responding too. I thought to be honest you would have caught on. ?laughs- But understand the confusion.


    So yes it makes complete sense.

  • imageEkstasis:

    LOL. Oh no! I thought I cleared it all up!

    Your fact about the dad determining the sex didn't confuse me. It was what that had to do with the post/poll. I was confused at the randomness of it because I thought you were responding to the poll itself but when I realized you were responding to the "God's hands" comments then it made sense.

    Does that make sense?

    I should have made myself clearer in whom I was responding too. I thought to be honest you would have caught on. ?laughs- But understand the confusion.


    So yes it makes complete sense.

    You are right...I should have caught on! Maybe re-reading the thread would have helped. Oh well. Gotta love those light bulb moments.

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