So we are in the middle of a minor home renovation and the house is such a mess. Everything is covered with several layers of dust from the carpet being pulled up and the new wood floors going down. I've had a terrible cold (I'm still not over it) the whole time and have been pretty useless in cleaning lately. So, DH is on a 24 hour shift today (he's a fireman) and I have the house to myself. I really need to do some major cleaning, but all I want to do is sit on the couch with my Kleenexes and cough meds and watch tv.
When I was in college, I would make myself study, then treat myself with some food or candy when I finished. With this cold, I have to force myself to eat, so there goes my motivation.....
Re: I need some motivation
I needed motivation earlier with exercising and posting things on here really helped me out. What you need to do is do some cleaning and whatever needs to get done and know that you are going to treat yourself to some R & R when its done. Keep fighting knowing that you WILL be able to relax in a little bit. Just make sure you don't over do it.
Maybe once your done, treat yourself to a fruit cup or something... Oh who am I kidding...? Once your done, have a tasty treat that's worth it!
Good luck!!