
Weird cramp/twinges?

I posted this on 2nd tri, but I was wondering what you all thought.

 A few minutes ago when we were getting up from dinner I all of a sudden had a kind of painful cramp at the top of my uterus.  Since then I've had a few milder cramp/twinges in around the same place.  I remember having this happen a lot when I was pg with DS, but always when I was walking.  Is this something I should call the OB about?  It's not a BH for sure - my belly isn't tightening at all, and I haven't had a BH in awhile. 

Re: Weird cramp/twinges?

  • It could still be round ligament pain. ?I always had that right after standing up or being in the same position for awhile. ?It might be good to call the ob just in case you're still worried, though.
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
  • I had something similiar a few weeks ago.  I did call the doc and they said it was likely just how the baby was sitting and when I moved it pulled on a muscle or something of the sort.  I would call just for piece of mind.
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