2nd Trimester

This may be TMI, but re:pee...

So, the last couple of times I went to pee... I wiped and shortly after I left the bathroom, my panties felt kinda damp as if pee leaked out after I was finished.  It doesn't look like vaginal discharge when I looked, just wet. 

Should I worried (other fluids leaking or infection? but I don't have any other symptoms) or is this common?!

N&M married 01.12.08 Mommy to beautiful baby boy, Jack! 06.17.09 8 lbs. 2 oz. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Welcomed 2nd baby boy Christopher! 10.27.11 6 lbs. 8 oz. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: This may be TMI, but re:pee...

  • common.. happens to me all the time. Put a panty liner on.
  • This may sound weird, but if it keeps up, you may try putting in a tampon for a little while.  If you still have leakage, then you'll know it's pee.  If you have no leakage, check the tampon after awhile and see if it looks saturated.  If fluid is on the tampon though, don't freak.  This still may be perfectly normal.  At least you'll know where it's coming from though.
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  • Happens to me all the time too!  Just normal discharge, I thought it was pee at first too, but definitely not. 
  • everytime i pee and walk away I get discharge. lots. normal unless its super super watery and you think its fluid..in that case call the dr to check
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