Well, originally I only wanted 2, but these will be #2 and 3. And, I have a feeling that I'll be talked into doing this once more (eventually). So, total would be however many that would bring us to.
I clicked "4", but I really only want to give birth to two. If we have enough money, we would love to adopt two additional children at some point. I hate that adoption is so expensive. Thankfully, DH and I are in agreement about our family size and the way we (hopefully) will get there!
I didn't vote because I have no idea!! I've always said that I would love to have 4 kids. Well, with how long it took us to get pregnant with one, and my age, I'm not sure that we'll have 4. I also always said that I would never have just 1; I was an only child and HATED it!!! But now that I'm pregnant with my first, and have yet to actully experience parenthood, and all it entails, I worry that we won't be able to handle more than one. I think I kinda talked myself into 3....but we'll have to see how this goes first. I'm all over the board!!! ...except I know without a doubt that I do not want to out-do octo-mom!
I go back and forth between one and two, but right now we feel like we will only have one. We do not (and will not) have a lot of money, and I don't want this baby to miss out on things because we decided to have another. I also think you should have more than one child only if YOU really want more than one, not just so that the other one can have a playmate, and we're not sure we want more than one. I think I would also feel guilty having a second when things are better financially, because then the second baby will be getting things the first baby did not get. Ie, their own nursery right away, mom staying home full-time, parents that are NOT financially strapped... It doesn't seem like it would be fair to the first.
I deally I want 2...a boy and girl....however DH and I are both the youngest of 3....so that is definitely a consideration (ESPECIALLY if we don't end up with one of each). I told DH that if I don't get a girl after 3....we're adopting...
I said one because that's all I'm thinking about right now. We'll see how it goes from there, lol.
My best friend, my husband, my everything Matthew Kevin 7/31/83-7/20/11
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos) Day Three
I said 4, but I think we'll run out of time; this is our first and I'll be almost 31 when she joins us- as I don't want to be perpetually pg for the next 4 years (we'd like to have them all by the time I'm 35), I think the only way we'll do it is if there are twins in there somewhere.
Also, this is our first one- maybe two (what we at least would like) will be more than enough
Re: Clicky Poll: How many kids do you want to have?
i voted for 3 b/c that's what DH wants. but i really want 4
oops, i didn't see the subtitle and now i can't re-vote
Ditto...if we can afford it we'd love to have a third. I guess it depends where we're at.
As of right now 3.
I deally I want 2...a boy and girl....however DH and I are both the youngest of 3....so that is definitely a consideration (ESPECIALLY if we don't end up with one of each). I told DH that if I don't get a girl after 3....we're adopting...
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
I think I'll be up for a third...but DH won't.
I said 4, but I think we'll run out of time; this is our first and I'll be almost 31 when she joins us- as I don't want to be perpetually pg for the next 4 years (we'd like to have them all by the time I'm 35), I think the only way we'll do it is if there are twins in there somewhere.
Also, this is our first one- maybe two (what we at least would like) will be more than enough