For those of you who didn't see earlier, I was told to drink 32 oz of water (half hour before my appt) and hold it for my u/s. A lot of people said they didn't have to and wondered why some places made's what my u/s tech told me she needed it for:
I got to the u/s place and my bladder is so full it hurt to walk! I waited for 30 mins to be called back and getting on the table and laying my legs flat was killer! But the u/s tech was super nice and said "I'll take less than a minute and then you can go to the bathroom" It was as if I heard the voice of an angel!!! She said she needed to measure my cervix and something else before I emptied my bladder. So after that, such sweet relief!!!
Re: f/u to earlier post about drinking water before u/s
We found out two weeks ago that we're having a boy. (See my post below for the funny story....) But today we were very excited to find out it was a healthy boy! And as always, I love seeing him.... I could stare at him for days! : )
A waterfall!?! That's just wrong!