Don't worry... I won't say that my bump is too small!
I was just wondering how you "calculate" weight gain. Do you start from your pre preg weight or from your first appt weight.
I know that I always weight right around 140, but due to MS, I went down to 134. That was the weight my doc took down at my first appt at 12 weeks. So when I calculate how much I have gained, should I start counting at 140 or 134?
Re: weight gain question
Ditto that.
I'd definitely use 140.
I got pg right after we returned from our honeymoon, and I had gained about 5 lbs on the trip (mmm... good food and beaches...). As a consequence, my weight dropped during 1st tri since I lost the vacation weight. So I count from my typical weight.
We weren't trying and therefore I don't really know my pre-preg weight. I had weighed myself maybe 2 to 3 months before while trying to lose weight and then decided to just not step on the scale anymore and go based on how my clothes fit. Because of this, I go based on my weight at first appointment.
For you, I would say to go by 140.