I literally walk in the door and put them immediately on the table with my purse EVERY TIME. They are just gone. DH thinks I may have thrown them out in a nesting frenzy but I really feel like they are in this damn house somewhere! grrrrrrrrr
UPDATE: DH just found them......in a boot..
Re: i lost my keys
those are almost as bad as when i would search for my phone...while on it. (and that was pre-pg)
Okay I so wish I would have been a fly on the wall to see your DH's face when he found the keys in the boot. I am laughing so hard right now because that would so be me. DH knew I was pregnant when I kept leaving the dang keys in the front door. And then crying because I kept saying "I swear I put them on the counter!"
Prego brain=no bueno