I've noticed people staring at my belly every once in a while within the past few weeks, but this weekend DH and I were in Las Vegas and we both noticed that people were staring at my belly constantly. It was almost always women doing the staring. I love being pregnant and the fact that I'm showing and all.. but seriously, has no one seen a pregnant woman before? After a while it seemed like everyone we passed by had to stare, and it started to get irritating.. I felt like telling them to take a %$#&!* picture!! DH's aunt said it's because I look too young to be pregnant.. 15, she said. I've always gotten that I look younger than my age, but 15 is a new low. Great, so apparently I look like a pregnant child! Anyway, how does everyone else feel about people staring?
Re: Belly stares, anyone?
It sure is and they act like they are trying to look but you can so tell they are...lol
Yes, I agree! Touching is no bueno.
well my MIL constantly stares at mine and I'm always curious as to why ..... I called her out on it and shes liek well you keep rubbin it ...... yeah cuz it's mine and it makes me feel better! I don't go staring at your GUT! (she's wayyyy over weight!)
but I think some women who tend to stare dont even realize theyre doin it ... they might be thinking ... I hope I look that good ... wow shes carrying [whatever way] .... did I look like that pg? ..... and so on ....
but it does get annoying .... and depending on my mood that day I might even do a trick for them ....... a la middle finger! or say something
I agree with this and I kinda like the attention- after all, I'm super excited to be pg, the more people who join in the better! I'm glad nobody has tried to touch yet though, I will karate chop anyone who tries it!
Yeah we had a new Teller start at the bank yesterday (senior in high school) and so I introduced myself and she looked me in the eyes, looked down at the bump and then back to the eyes. And said "nice to meet you" I thought it was funny. Then later I said something about the baby and she said "Oh good you are pregnant, I just never can tell for sure and I have asked a few people if they were and they weren't so I get nervous..."
I thought it was cute... and sort of funny ... but she's like the head of the cheerleading squad so this was all perky and in good fun. Normally I am not a big fan of starting however.
I GOT THIS ALL THE TIME!!! And wait til after you have the baby. I once dropped off my daughter at the nursery at our church (where my husband worked btw) and the woman working it said to me:
"Are you the mommy?"
Me: yes
Her: Oh, well I won't say anything....
What the heck! And I was 24 years old when I had her.
I make sure to wear my wedding ring as much as I can (although it gets harder when you have a little bit of swelling). Older generations tend to assume things.
I'll confess. I totally look at pregnant bellies. Maybe even more so now that I'm pregnant than before.
I'll try to avoid looking in your direction if our paths should cross.
Since Ive popped, a few customersat work asked how far along I was. Which is odd bcuz they're complete strangers and I NEVER asked complete strangers that. I suppose for men and those women who have never been PG before, they stare because its a 'world' they havent personally experienced, and moms who look are just reminded of when they were pregnant. Im annoyed with some looks, yet kinda flattered by some. Im not a fan of belly touching yet (maybe never- well except father to be) makes me feel like a science experiment of some sort!!