2nd Trimester

Belly stares, anyone?

I've noticed people staring at my belly every once in a while within the past few weeks, but this weekend DH and I were in Las Vegas and we both noticed that people were staring at my belly constantly. It was almost always women doing the staring. I love being pregnant and the fact that I'm showing and all.. but seriously, has no one seen a pregnant woman before? After a while it seemed like everyone we passed by had to stare, and it started to get irritating.. I felt like telling them to take a %$#&!* picture!! DH's aunt said it's because I look too young to be pregnant.. 15, she said. I've always gotten that I look younger than my age, but 15 is a new low. Great, so apparently I look like a pregnant child! Anyway, how does everyone else feel about people staring?

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Re: Belly stares, anyone?

  • its pretty annoying.
  • People stare at my belly all the time-I just figure it's because they're trying to figure out if I'm pregnant or if it's a beer gut. I suppose I'd rather have them stare than touch, but it still is kinda weird.
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  • Ditto...not a fan of people openly gawking at me. 
  • imagehisbabybear:
    its pretty annoying.
  • imagehisbabybear:
    its pretty annoying.

    It sure is and they act like they are trying to look but you can so tell they are...lol

  • imagecathy_and_matt:
    People stare at my belly all the time-I just figure it's because they're trying to figure out if I'm pregnant or if it's a beer gut. I suppose I'd rather have them stare than touch, but it still is kinda weird.

    Yes, I agree! Touching is no bueno.

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  • It makes me feel self-concious after it happens repeatedly. I must confess that I used to do this to pregnant women before I was one. I just thought they looked so cute. I think people just like pregnant women.
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  • well my MIL constantly stares at mine and I'm always curious as to why ..... I called her out on it and shes liek well you keep rubbin it  ...... yeah cuz it's mine and it makes me feel better! I don't go staring at your GUT! (she's wayyyy over weight!)


    but I think some women who tend to stare dont even realize theyre doin it ... they might be thinking ... I hope I look that good ... wow shes carrying [whatever way] .... did I look like that pg? ..... and so on ....


    but it does get annoying .... and depending on my mood that day I might even do a trick for them ....... a la middle finger! or say something

  • imageaelyngstad:
    It makes me feel self-concious after it happens repeatedly. I must confess that I used to do this to pregnant women before I was one. I just thought they looked so cute. I think people just like pregnant women.

    I agree with this and I kinda like the attention- after all, I'm super excited to be pg, the more people who join in the better!  I'm glad nobody has tried to touch yet though, I will karate chop anyone who tries it!

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  • When we went to Italy when I was about 27 wks with DD, I  got that A LOT!  We asked a tour guide what she thought that was about (were Italian pg women supposed to stay in?)... she said probably b/c people thought I was a local and DH was a gypsy- which was frowned upon in that region.  Cracked me up!
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  • Yeah we had a new Teller start at the bank yesterday (senior in high school) and so I introduced myself and she looked me in the eyes, looked down at the bump and then back to the eyes.  And said "nice to meet you" I thought it was funny.  Then later I said something about the baby and she said "Oh good you are pregnant, I just never can tell for sure and I have asked a few people if they were and they weren't so I get nervous..."

    I thought it was cute... and sort of funny ... but she's like the head of the cheerleading squad so this was all perky and in good fun.  Normally I am not a big fan of starting however.

  • I still kind of hid mine at work (benefits of winter!) but I'm sure I'll get the same thing too!  You know, you have a super cute bump...they are staring in envy :-)
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  • OMG, this b*$ch at work stares at my belly EVERY time we walk by each other.  Doesn't say hi, just looks at my belly.  SO annoying!  I want to beat her down.  Last week we passed each other going to the bathroom and she goes, "Oh, you're getting big."  Yeah, niiiiiice....
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  • I GOT THIS ALL THE TIME!!! And wait til after you have the baby.  I once dropped off my daughter at the nursery at our church (where my husband worked btw) and the woman working it said to me:

    "Are you the mommy?"

    Me: yes

    Her: Oh, well I won't say anything....

    What the heck! And I was 24 years old when I had her. 

    I make sure to wear my wedding ring as much as I can (although it gets harder when you have a little bit of swelling).  Older generations tend to assume things.


  • I'll confess. I totally look at pregnant bellies. Maybe even more so now that I'm pregnant than before.

    I'll try to avoid looking in your direction if our paths should cross.

  • Since Ive popped, a few customersat work asked how far along I was. Which is odd bcuz they're complete strangers and I NEVER asked complete strangers that. I suppose for men and those women who have never been PG before, they stare because its a 'world' they havent personally experienced, and moms who look are just reminded of when they were pregnant. Im annoyed with some looks, yet kinda flattered by some. Im not a fan of belly touching yet (maybe never- well except father to be) makes me feel like a science experiment of some sort!!

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