2nd Trimester

anyone putting baby in crib/nursery right away?

I admit, I have done no research on this yet, but I've seen a lot of posts lately about the baby staying in a bassinette/pack-n-play in mom & dad's room for weeks or months.

I just assumed the nursery would become the nursery the day we bring baby home.

Re: anyone putting baby in crib/nursery right away?

  • I am definitely putting the baby in a pack n' play (comes with a bassinet) because I will be breast feeding (don't want to get up that much every 2-3 hours).  And I think I will want to keep an eye out in the beginning.
  • Good luck, it's not that there is anything wrong with that, except that you will be so tired and it will be so much easier for you to keep the baby in the room with you at first
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  • We are putting the baby in the crib/nursery right away. Seems perfectly logical to us.
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  • We're planning on keeping the baby in our room for the first few weeks - just until we get onto a regular schedule.  I just feel like the first few weeks I will be so exhausted with just the excitement/work/pain of it all that I won't want to walk any further than I have to for a late-night feeding/diaper change.  Once both I and the baby are in a routine and I'm feeling better, he/she will be moved to the nursery.
  • babys room is literally one door away. i dont mind walking 10 feet to his crib :)
  • We are putting Natalie in a bassinet in our room for the first while - I want to have her closer by my side to keep an eye on her...

  • we had orig planned to do that with DS - esp since his nursery is just steps from our room- but we found he slept better in a bedside cosleeper in our room-and so did we b/c we could easily reach over and pat his belly, put his paci back in, etc.... without having to get out of bed at all.
  • I'm definitely keeping her in our room for at least the first few months, just because I don't want to have to make that walk down the hallway all the time and it's a lot easier. 
  • We're planning to put baby in his crib in his room from day 1.  I'd rather try to keep our room for just us. 

    If it doesn't work, though, we're not opposed to putting him in the PNP in our room. 

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  • I want to keep an eye on baby, otherwise I know I'll be the mom who is constantly sneaking in the baby's room.  I think we'd both get better sleep this way. 

    And reaching over and grabbing baby will be so much easier than getting up and going in the other room...especially if I have a c-section. 

  • We put DS in his crib in the nursery right away, but we live in a small apartment so I wasn?t walking far to get him.  He was so close to our room we didnt even need to use a monitor to hear him cry.  If we lived in a 2 floor house I probably would have used a pack n play.     

  • I go back and forth about it.  our nursery is just across the hall, so, not a big deal. 

    My plan of the moment is to try to put the kid in the nursery right away, but don't push it.  if I get to tired, we'll have a packnplay in our room (and probably a hand-me-down bassinet).

    I also know I'm going to be that crazy person who checks the baby's breathing every 30 seconds.  I do this with the dogs, much less a kid.  so.... being in the room might be easier.

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  • We're planning on keeping baby with us for at least the first year.
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  • imageblessed_wife:

    We are putting Natalie in a bassinet in our room for the first while - I want to have her closer by my side to keep an eye on her...

    same thoughts...!

  • imageblessed_wife:

    We are putting Natalie in a bassinet in our room for the first while - I want to have her closer by my side to keep an eye on her...

    same thoughts...!

  • I'm getting a co-sleeper. Mostly because I know how cranky I get with little-to-no sleep, and the last thing I'll want to do when I'm exhausted is stumble out of bed into the nursery. Not having to get out of bed seems like a big plus to me. And anything that will help with sleep during that newborn period, I'm on board with.
  • imageLovin Wife:
    I am definitely putting the baby in a pack n' play (comes with a bassinet) because I will be breast feeding (don't want to get up that much every 2-3 hours).  And I think I will want to keep an eye out in the beginning.

    my thoughts exactly, at this point at least.

  • I haven't really thought about it. All of the babies I know have been in their own cribs from the start and I like that idea. Plus, the baby's room is about 10 feet from ours.  I am open to anything happendng not as planned, but for now I plan on putting the baby in their own room from the beginning.

  • Our master BR is on the 1st floor, with the other 2 upstairs.  Our baby will be in a PNP until it sleeps through the night or only wakes up about once a night.  I'm not going up and down stairs to get the baby every 2-3 hours in the beginning.  Also, I'm paranoid, so I'd be more comfortable with the baby near me for the first few months to a year.
  • We plan to put her in her crib from day one and just see how it goes.  Her room is about 10 feet down the hall.  We'll have a pack 'n play just in case but I'd really like her to be in her room - we'll see!
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  • I havent deided, the nursery is dead across the hall from our room. You can look out one into the other. So it would almost be like we are in the same room. I guess I will decide when it gets closer and it depends on how nervous I will end up being with a new baby :)
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