I've been having HB/indigestion problems (pre-pregnancy too). No matter what I eat, I get it...doctor mentioned if it gets worse and tums don't work (which it has and they don't) there's some good RX meds for it, I think she said RX meds.
Have you ever taking any RX meds for HB/indigestion and did it help?
Re: heartburn/ indigestion question...
Growing Up Olson
oh yea, so there's hope!!
there are a ton of Rx meds for heartburn.
I sell one of them, actually
Prevacid is commonly rx'd to women who are pg b/c it is Cat B and also approved in babies as young as 1 y/o (and given to many infants, too). I take it now and then these days myself.
Nexium, Protonix, Prilosec (including OTC) and Aciphex are all PPIs in the same class as Prevacid- and most are Cat B, too. For some people one will work better than another... one might have more s/e or less than another, etc- just depends on the person.
There are also H2RAs like Zantac and Pepcid (otc and Rx) that don't work as good as a PPI but you can get them easily OTC and for many women those do the job.
Thank you for the good info. I can't wait to see my doctor on Wednesday and hopefully find some relief.