anyone making your own crib bedding? i haven't found any sets i loved (that weren't $500!) so my mom offered to make it for us - and i'm going to try & help. any tips on where to find good/cheap patterns and/or fabric. i want something kinda modern/funky.
Re: making your own bedding?
Joaquin's hospital and Isela's birth center med & intervention free "hypnobabies" birth stories
I'm making my own and will make my own pattern too.
Walmart has a good selection of fabric.
Mom and I are going shopping today to get material.
We are doing a black and white set, so getting fabric at Joann's or any other craft store will work.
As far as patterns go.... I think I will do w/o. We are making the bumber and skirt, maybe a sheet and I'm good at looking at an item and knowing how to sew it.
We are also covering the pads on my glider to match... no patters for that either.