2nd Trimester

Topics of Discussion/debate; will you or wont you?

I was thinking of topics like "are you going to have your newborn Baptized", "are you going to have your newborn girl's ears pierced?" I was discussing these topics with DH the other day and I was suprised at his responses.

What other "topics of discussion" have you had that you were suprised at the response of some people? (family, friends, DH)?

Re: Topics of Discussion/debate; will you or wont you?

  • We won't be doing either, piercing just looks wrong to me on babies and we are not baptizing either.

    One topic that has been of debate in our group is circumcision (sp?) DH kind of wants it, I am on the fence. I have a few friends who are adamantly against it and have piped up on the subject as well. We haven't decided yet.

  • I've been debating about having a bris (if it's a boy) or a baby-naming ceremony (if it's a girl). Our main concern is having so many people over when the baby is only 8 days old- that would be a LOT to prepare, but also, would our immediate families, who would be coming in from out of town for the birth, have to come BACK a week later? Or would they even do that? Is that too much to ask? Is inconveniencing them a reason to skip this ceremony? We aren't that religious, but at the same time, it would be a great "meet the baby" event for our friends.

    These are the things that keep me up at night.

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  • i was suprised how much of a big deal people make over circumcision, I thought it was a no brainer, had NO idea what I was stepping into there!
  • Breastfeeding - MIL thinks it's selfish of me to breastfeed

    Meds/vs natural - MIL and SIL say I shouldn't try to be a hero.

    Baptism vs Christening and who should be Godparents

    Visitation of granparents - mom is cool but ILs think they are going to be able to take the baby whenever for weekends at a time

    Who should be there during delivery includign in waiting and labor rooms


  • imageJamieNIan:

    Breastfeeding - MIL thinks it's selfish of me to breastfeed

    Meds/vs natural - MIL and SIL say I shouldn't try to be a hero.

    Baptism vs Christening and who should be Godparents

    Visitation of granparents - mom is cool but ILs think they are going to be able to take the baby whenever for weekends at a time

    Who should be there during delivery includign in waiting and labor rooms



    Your MIL thinks it's selfish of you to breastfeed? I dont get that at all??

  • We have a friend who was not circumcised when he was born.  He didn't get circumcised until he was about 21 or so.  It was VERY painful for him.  Also, he always talked about how he was harrassed growing up.  If we have a boy, we will definatly get him circumcised at birth.
  • imageJamieNIan:

    Breastfeeding - MIL thinks it's selfish of me to breastfeed

    Meds/vs natural - MIL and SIL say I shouldn't try to be a hero.

    Baptism vs Christening and who should be Godparents

    Visitation of granparents - mom is cool but ILs think they are going to be able to take the baby whenever for weekends at a time

    Who should be there during delivery includign in waiting and labor rooms



    i agree with pp, how can it be selfish of you breast feed???

    and meds vs. natural has nothing to do with wanting to be a hero, sheesh... 

    IMO your ILs sound a little crazy, no offense!

  • imageDelila80:
    We have a friend who was not circumcised when he was born.  He didn't get circumcised until he was about 21 or so.  It was VERY painful for him.  Also, he always talked about how he was harrassed growing up.  If we have a boy, we will definatly get him circumcised at birth.

    I couldnt imagin. That is horrible.

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