2nd Trimester

Loving my Old Navy jeans!

I was worried about them since I ordered them online and had no idea how they would look, but they are SOOOO comfortable and even look pretty good. I got the ones without the full panel, they have an elastic waistband but a fake fly-looking detail so if your shirt covers the band they look just like regular jeans.

I also bought a pair of khaki pants from Gap. They are low waist, so no stretch but sit way low which is fine. But I ordred my regular size (I don't normally shop at Gap but I wear a 6-8 at most stores). I ordered an 8, they are HUGE in the waist. I am wearing a belt for the first time in months. So if you order from Gap and aren't sure of your size, try one down for pants.

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Re: Loving my Old Navy jeans!

  • I went to Old Navy in Gilroy, CA this weekend.  The in-store selection was OK.  I picked up 3 tops, which are super comfy and very cute.  All together I only spent $35 for 3 shirts.  They didn't have my pant size on the shelf (they only had up to size 10; I need 18).  Inventory could've been better, but I left happy!

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  • Dang, I would have thought the one in Gilroy was giant, is it with the outlets? I am driving to So Cal in a few weeks and was thinking of stopping there to shop...
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  • I think those are the same ON jeans I have. I LIVE in them...love them...want to have 3 more pair just lke them..
  • I'm wearing Old Navy jeans today!

    I actually bought them in a rush on my way home last night (today was a special casual day at work -- we usually can't wear jeans).  I love them!  I have the full panel ones, although I kind of have the panel pushed down since I don't have too much of a belly yet.  (Mine have a fake fly also, so they look like regular jeans.)  I've been getting compliments on them all day -- and everyone is surprised they came from ON!

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  • Yay, so glad to read these rave reviews!!  I bought a pair online a week ago, and I'll debut them tomorrow night.

    FYI, today is my first day in maternity pants, and I'm LOVING the ON cords I have on!

  • imageMrs_mam:
    Dang, I would have thought the one in Gilroy was giant, is it with the outlets? I am driving to So Cal in a few weeks and was thinking of stopping there to shop...

    There's no Old Navy in the Gilroy Outlets...it's not too far away from them though.  It's a part of a shopping center that was recently developed, next to Famous Footwear.  The ON itself was an average size, but the maternity section was much smaller then I expected.  They had a couple of clearance racks, but it's all long sleeved tops for the most part (I live in central cali, so I don't need long sleeve maternity wear).  Limited pant sizes, and I'd say they had maybe 5 different style tops to choose from (with different colors of course).  It was a bit of a bummer, but I was happy with what I bought.

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