2nd Trimester

How long do you wait

at OB appts?  I waited an hour and twenty minutes to be called back to the room, and then waited another 20 for the doc to come in, and I had the first appointment of the day.  This has happened before, same appt. time, same scenario, with another doc in the same office.  And if I have afternoon appts., I wait just as long.

Does my doctor suck monkey nuts, or is this typical of OB offices? 

At my last GYN office, I never waited more than 20 minutes.  So this practice of waiting an hour + is ridiculous IMO.


Re: How long do you wait

  • We usually wait 30-40 mins before we are taken back. Then about 15 before the dr comes in.
  • I have waited up to an hour before. ugh

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  • That's not good.  I usually have one of the first appts of the day so get called in pretty fast.  I may have to wait for a bit in the room but they have magazines.
  • i dont think i have ever waited more then twenty min, and the doctor usually comes in after atleast five min after me being in the room! thats crazy...i think they need to make less appts.
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  • Maybe 20mins?
  • The first time I went I waited an hour so now I make the first appointment of the day. now I can barely sit down before they call me in.

  • wow i get in under 10 minutes (usually right away)~ i make sure i am at least 5-10 minutes early and i am typically called back by my appt time! now when i go for u/s (which are not done at the ob but at radiology places, i have waited up to an hour and 20 minutes before on a FULL bladder).
  • Yikes. That seems like a long time to wait when you're the first appt... I usually schedule all of my appts for later on, and I've waited up to 40 minutes before when my doctor had to go to the hospital for an emergency surgery. Every other time I've waited no more than 20 min.

    The ONE time I had an appt first thing in the AM, they took me back after 10 minutes.

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  • I wait an average of 15-20 minutes.
  • Me,10-15 minutes.  What I would do if I were you is call before you leave and ask if they are running on time or should you come later.  That way you and run an errand or do a chore instead of wasting your time sitting there.  Over a hour in NOT exeptable in my book.  Your time is no less valuble then the doctor's! 
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  • I think the longest we have ever waited was 5-10 minutes. They are really good about getting us back fast. Usually I don't have to wait long for the doctor either, but I had to last time. I think it was his first appointment of the day and we had to be there early for an u/s. We waited so long that dh had to leave and go to the waiting room because he couldn't sit there that long. So for now I don't totally blame him, but he just better not let it happen again Big Smile
  • The longest I've waited was 10 minutes.
  • I usually wait about 30min to be taken back and another 15 to see the doctor.  It can be longer.  Our practice guarantees one of the 3 docs will deliver you, so if there is a delivery then the whole day is thrown off.  Usually they will try to reschedule you or have you seen by someone else in the office, but often they try to pretend like they aren't that far behind.

    I wish we didn't move, because my old practice was heaven.  I never waited longer than 15 min to go back and the doctor was in within 10 min.  

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  • WOW.... I had appts at various times and days of the week and I have never waited more than 15 minutes to be called and maybe 5 once in the room for the doctor.

    I don't really think its uncommon though, you just obviously go to a very busy OB practice. 

  • I usually have a 15 min. wait but last week I had to wait nearly an hour. I always do morning appointments.
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  • I usually wait about five minutes to be taken back and another ten to see the my doctor.  With my first pregnancy I went to a very busy practice and sometimes I would wait 30-45 minutes to be taken back!
  • We usually wait 5-10 mins before they call us back and then it has been up to 30 waiting in the room. But we also keep the Dr in there with questions for a good 20 mins so we don't mind.
  • I've waited almost an hour with my OB.  Sometimes I get in quicker, others I wait longer.  I'm used to it though, cause all of my doctors have pretty long wait times. 

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  • I would be pissed if I had to wait that long!!!!  I'd also make a huge stink about it and unless they could provide me with an acceptable explaination (doctor was literally delivering a baby), then I would be looking for a new practice.  Just because you are seeing a doctor does not mean they don't have to provide good customer service.  My insurance money spends just as well elsewhere!!!
  • Yikes!  That is a long wait.  I usually wait 5 to 10 minutes for the nurse to call me in to be weighed and stuff like that.  Once she is done and sets me up in a room my Dr is in within 5 to 10 minutes.
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  • We are always early arrivers, but we probably wait 15-20 minutes to get called back.  Then we meet with the nurse before the dr comes in.
  • I've been lucky and unlucky: I have gotten called back within 15 minutes each time, but one time I wasn't told until I checked in that my doc and the sonogram tech had called in and weren't going to be there- I saw another doc but had to wait for my sono.  That was upsetting, but my overall experience there has been really good.
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  • I don't really "wait" at my OB appts.  After I became a official OB patient, as soon as I sign in, I go straight back to pee in a cup and put the sample in the little lab window.  Then sit in chairs near the lab.  It's usually 5 mins or so b/f they will call me for bloodwork if needed.  If not, it's usually 5 mins or less before my nurse comes to get me.  She does the weigh-in and takes the blood pressure and then puts me in the room to wait for the doc.  He usually sees me in less than 10 mins.

    I've waited a little longer if the doc is out doing c-sections or something, but typically my appts have been around 45 mins or less.

  • Ugh. I thought my hour long wait today was bad! I waited more than 20 minutes in the waiting room then another half hour in my gown in the appointment room!

    I asked the nurse about it before my OB got to me. I was pretty upset. They said my doctor is very popular so she typically runs behind. I told them it would be great to get some feedback and not just sit alone for a half hour. I was obviously upset.

     That all changed when my doc came in, because she ROCKS!  If I didn't like her, though, I'd go to another practice. You'd think that if it's common for a doctor to run behind, they would have a better way of managing the office. Like say her "last" appointment starts at 3 but she usually doesn't finish until 5, they could space out the appointments more.  I could have used that hour to get a LOT Of work done. Next time I'm bringing my computer. I have a 3G internet connection so I can work right in the room.

  • We have waited an hour before..and on average I would say we wait at least 30 minutes becasue DH goes to all the apts now so we have to go at night.  Once I am in the room it is very fast...like 5 minutes til I see the dr.

  • That is not right! I haven't waited more than 10 min, except for my u/s apt. They are good about getting me in and out in about 30 -45 min if I don't have blood work or any other test.
  • As long as you do most of the time. I still see my regular family doctor though and she has always been slow.
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  • To wait that long on a regular basis is ridiculous.  I can understand it there is an emergency, but not every single time you go in.  That was one of the reasons I left my old OB/GYN shortly before TTC.  At the practice I go to now, I never have to wait longer than 20 minutes, and even that is not the norm.  Usually I am called within just a few minutes, and then maybe wait another couple minutes for the doctor.
  • for me, usually about 10 minutes to get called back and another 10-15 for the dr to come in.
  • The most I've ever waited was about 15 minutes.  Usually it's 5 minutes.  I have Kaiser.
  • 5- 10 mins in the waiting room and 5-10mins for the dr. My regular Dr. however is NEVER on time and I've waited for 1 1/2 - 2 hours before! Then another 30 minutes before he comes in.
  • My first two visits I waited about 10 minutes or so. But at the last one, I waited for a half hour... later I found out the patient before me had an issue and it took longer than expected. I'm flexible now that I'm pregnant.

    Before I was planning to conceive, I saw a Gyn only (no OB patients) and never waited long. I think when pregnancy is involved, you have to wait longer?who knows what comes up with the patient before you.

    However, I'd ask to reschedule for the next day if my wait ended up to be more than 45 minutes. I schedule appointments around work and even though I have a flexible schedule, my time is precious.


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