So if you missed my post last night, I ordered custom fortune cookies to reveal the sex to my parents. It should have cost about $30 but instead my account was charged about $60. I emailed customer service and didn't hear back so I just called them.
Turns out they misread my order and thought I needed the cookies by TODAY, not next Friday, and she overnighted them. There was still some extra cost and I asked her about that. She said she charges $10 to separate fortunes (I had to order both "it's a boy" and "it's a girl") which was NOT listed on the order form. But oh well. I would have had to separate them even if the cost was listed.
So she is crediting my account for the extra shipping and the cookies will be here a week early. I'm at least glad I didn't have to call my bank's fraud department...
Re: update to my fortune cookie drama
We are going to take my parents out to Chinese food that night and then swap the cookies the server brings! It should be fun!
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
When all is said and done, I will post pics and info (including a review of the company) in my bio along with everything else.
Most fortune cookie places I found require a minimum purchase of 100-400 cookies! This place does them by the dozen.
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog