2nd Trimester

update to my fortune cookie drama

So if you missed my post last night, I ordered custom fortune cookies to reveal the sex to my parents.  It should have cost about $30 but instead my account was charged about $60.  I emailed customer service and didn't hear back so I just called them.

Turns out they misread my order and thought I needed the cookies by TODAY, not next Friday, and she overnighted them.  There was still some extra cost and I asked her about that.  She said she charges $10 to separate fortunes (I had to order both "it's a boy" and "it's a girl") which was NOT listed on the order form.  Angry  But oh well.  I would have had to separate them even if the cost was listed.

So she is crediting my account for the extra shipping and the cookies will be here a week early.  I'm at least glad I didn't have to call my bank's fraud department...

Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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Re: update to my fortune cookie drama

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