Ok...sooooo i need a really good office prank!
i just went to heat up my lunch so i went to open the door and to my surprise, a picture of a coworkers face was taped to the side of the wall (sticking out into the doorway)~ i screamed "oh my god" so loud and everyone was laughing! haha
anyone got any good ideas that are not too extreme for a good payback!!?!?
Re: Office Pranks
when i worked in a big office (like 100+ peolpe), everyone had name plaques on their cubes- on April Fools i came in early & switched EVERYONE'S name tags around. it took people all day to get their tags back- it was genius.
even better because no one knew it was me. suckas.
look at the birds | bless this food
How to put a stapler in Jello
The Office is my absolute favorite show so this is the first thing I thought of.
One of my co-workers constantly does stuff like this.
He puts a sticky note on the bottom of the mouse so it won't work. He unplugs computer cables so that your moniter won't work
I think my all time favorite though was this: A friend in college did a screen shot of someone's desktop, then saved it as the screensaver and locked the screen saver (but somehow you couldn't tell it was locked)
The person would click on the icons on the "desktop" over and over and over and it wouldn't work. He was IT-genius, though, so I have no idea how he pulled this off
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
haha this would be too much for me to take-on! i am no computer genius and when reading that, i was thinking how the heck did he do that? lol great idea though haha
i dont take phone calls for people, especially for this girl~ but i could possibly get away with this haha (sometimes ppl call the wrong extension- for some reason it's always my extension)- too funny haha i can just imagine her face lol
This is evil. The little sh*theads that I teach do this on some of the computers. When I caught one one day I made him type "I will not mess with Mrs. P's things" 300 times, on the messed up keyboard, with me standing directly behind him the entire time.
i worked in a kitchen and we would glue change to the floor or put random things in gelatin. once when we were really bored we taped the center drawer on my bosses desk shut.