This baby is super-active. Crazy super active.
But yesterday I realized that I'd gone all day without feeling anything. So after I got DD in bed I lay down and waited a good 45 minutes before I felt anyway. After one tiny nudge I went to sleep.
This morning i woke up and baby still wasn't moving at all.
Finally when I got to work I drank a huge sugary coffee and baby has started to move around some. Dang it child, don't scare me like that!
Re: So, baby movement scare
it's just scary, since we've never, not once, had a quiet day like this. This baby is on the move all the time and has been for quite a while now.
I wish didn't have to sleep and just kick me all the time, but she has a mind of her own: the night before last she kicked hard enough so that someone outside (my Mom) felt her move. Then last night nothing at all. This morning she's a little more active- after I had a cheese danish from Starbucks.
I think we've proved that kids hopped up on sugar move more! Bring on the pixie sticks!