2nd Trimester

So, baby movement scare

This baby is super-active. Crazy super active.

But yesterday I realized that I'd gone all day without feeling anything. So after I got DD in bed I lay down and waited a good 45 minutes before I felt anyway. After one tiny nudge I went to sleep.

 This morning i woke up and baby still wasn't moving at all.

Finally when I got to work I drank a huge sugary coffee and baby has started to move around some. Dang it child, don't scare me like that!

Re: So, baby movement scare

  • I've been going through the same thing last last day or 2. I think i'll try that!
  • Glad to hear everything seems to be alright!
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  • Yeah, my little belligerent bugger did that on Sunday.  Scared the crap out of me.  But, after I had a doughnut he was better!  HAHA
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  • I don't usually drink coffee and I had one this morning.  She was moving like crazy after I drank it.
  • Oh, how scary!! Happy to hear baby is moving again!!
  • Yeah she is super quiet today and making me wonder!  Trying a donut and some tea.....I just want a thump is all.
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  • Oh man, I had the same thing happen to me also. A glass of apple juice, a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal later and they are kicking up a storm. I like to think they were just really tired from kicking the heck out of me. I'm glad you baby was only being a stinker
  • Elliot must be on the same schedule as your kid...one day he's crazy active, the next it's as if he doesn't exist. I don't like this!
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  • it's just scary, since we've never, not once, had a quiet day like this. This baby is on the move all the time and has been for quite a while now.

  • OMG, I was totally going to post about this same thing today!!!  The last week and a half she has been moving around at the same times everyday and then the last couple days I haven't felt anything really.  Last night I was getting worried, so I started nudging around my belly to try and get her to move...I think she moved a little, but not very much.  Anyone else had this happen??  I have an u/s in about a week, so I'm going to try and hold off calling the nurse's line until then...but it's scary!!!
  • Ugh Hula! Glad to hear you had some movement this morning. Don't they understand the worrying begins at conception?!  
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  • Thank God this sounds like a normal occurance! I am experiencing the exact thing right now! Maybe I'll try a little coffee...
  • Lila seems to be on a day on day off schedule. One day she's crazy, and the next I hardly feel anything! The day of my ultrsound she was wound up into such a tight ball the tech never did get a full body length measurement, and she hardly moved all day!
  • I have my 24w appt on Monday so I'm going to ask the MW about it then. Sigh. I hate worrying.
  • i go through that a lot- that's why my doppler is my savior right now lol
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  • I had this happen to me last Saturday.  I asked my doctor about it at my appointment and she said that even at 26 weeks there may be times that the baby gets in a certain position where I can't feel it.  She said if it happens again, to drink something sugary like a Sprite, lay on my left side, relax and if I don't feel the baby move in 30-45 minutes to call them.  Just thought I would share their tips! 
  • I go through the same thing.  Glad to see it seems to be normal.  I usually drink a Dr. Pepper in the morning to get Peanut moving.  Some days he just can't be bothered, and others he will not stop moving.  If he's been especially calm on a given day, I break out the doppler when I get home to make sure everything is okay. 
  • That happened to me Sunday (which put me in a terrible mood) until I finally felt her move that evening! I went to the OB Tuesday and mentioned it to her and she said that babies are just like us, they have good and bad days- so obviously Sunday was just a lazy day for Elsie! She said anytime I got worried to make a lot of loud noise (she said they used to bang pots and pans) and/or drink something and that should get the baby moving. So far, she hasn't scared me again, but I thought those were nice little tricks to try.
  • Dylan has been doing the same thing this past week ..
  • I wish didn't have to sleep and just kick me all the time, but she has a mind of her own: the night before last she kicked hard enough so that someone outside (my Mom) felt her move.  Then last night nothing at all.  This morning she's a little more active- after I had a cheese danish from Starbucks.

    I think we've proved that kids hopped up on sugar move more!  Bring on the pixie sticks!

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