DD just turned 7 months old, and we're going through a major nursing strike. She has an upper respiratory infection and is teething. She won't nurse frequently enough. She was on 2 meals of solids per day, but I cut back to 1 meal per day when she got sick last week per her pedi. She's still just taking 1 meal of solids per day, if that. I've had to start pumping to relieve the engorgement. Do I just keep pumping until her appetite returns? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Re: How do I handle a nursing strike?
rule #1: patience! You really have to coax her to do it. It won't work if she's too hungy, as she'll just get upset and cry. Then you get frustrated, etc. You really have to work a lot at it, have your breast ready, act like its no big deal, kinda casually get it close to her mouth. It sounds silly but you have to act inconspicuous and almost sneak it in. If she's distracted, it might work even better.
good luck!
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13