
Name your fav white & red wine

I need some new ideas.  We are getting tired of the same ole same ole.  


Re: Name your fav white & red wine

  • I can't help you, unfortunately - mine are all local (from VA) and probably not sold in TX :(  Cardinal Point Quattro and Fabbioli Reserve Red

    although we had a couple good TX wines at a place called the Vineyard near San Antonio?  Can't remember the names - I'm oh so helpful huh?  SORRY!

    I'm all about supporting the local wine industry!

  • We have been drinking a good Cabernet- Casillero del Diablo- lately, and we like it :)
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  • I am loving Moscato lately (white).  For red I enjoy Lambrusco on occasion. 

    They are both very sweet. 

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  • Reom - we have had that, it is really good.

    Thanks for the ideas girls!!

  • I don't drink white wine, but I like Ravenswood Red Zinfandel and also Alice White Shiraz.
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