
My sister is always bringing strays home

Not cute little animals but people. I swear she finds the neediest "friend"---the one with some work, family, money issue-- and they come here and stay all the damn time and mooch off of us. My mom's obviously losing it b/c that sh*t would never have flown with me and my other sister.

I know this makes me seem heartless...but I'm ok with that.


Re: My sister is always bringing strays home

  • :Gasp: 

    LOOK at that baby! OMG, she looks like a little baby doll. She is still gorgeous of course, but that baby pic looks like something from a magazine.

    I have an uncle/aunt/cousin like that. Always 'adopting' people, trying to fix them.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • you know what, in this day I couldn't do it. People out there are crazy, I wouldn't trust anyone.
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  • imagexbrooklyngrl:
    you know what, in this day I couldn't do it. People out there are crazy, I wouldn't trust anyone.

    me too! ?

  • I can't take those people either.  I had a good friend whose parents took in a 19 year old guy.  He lived with them for FOUR years (for free and they fed him a lot) and then took off with a bunch of cash he stole out of their checking account by forging a check.  How do people like that live with themselves? 

    I would not really want them around your beautiful girl either.  

  • REOM, thanks. It's one of my favorite pics ever of her.
    When did Gina become so grown up?

    X-- I know. She had this one friend who seemed all sweet. Dad was a loon, mom was an addict who ended up od'ing, girl flipped out and started threatening my sister b/c she told her to stop blowing up her phone w/calls and texts.

    There's a slightly deeper issue with it but I won't even go into it.


  • Joe, that's awful.  I def. hate exposing dd to diff. people like that. I try to keep my eye out and after the episode last summer I'm def. always in "mama bear" mode. Anyone remember that?

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