
Rave: the book "Twin Set"

I'm almost done with this book and really love it.

It is written by 2 moms of twins- and they interviewed a ton of mom's of twins to get the best advice, tricks, etc.

I have read a few twin/multiple books and wasn't crazy about any until this one.  Many other books focus too much on just how to deal with a baby- any baby- single or multiple...and only give one perspective of how it worked for THAT author.

As a 2nd time mom- i know a lot of typical baby stuff- but this book is full of actual "twin" stuff that helps a lot!!  It gives many perspectives from many parents, and offers advice from docs, too.

 It's really easy to read - and goes through baby to toddler lears... eating, potty training, etc.

I'm going to be keeping it around for a long time to reference- some really good tips in there!

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