
Anti-depressant help

I am wondering if I should go to my dr and see if I should get on them.

I still don't feel like I have 'recovered' from my m/c in Dec.  I feel like I am walking around in a fog.  Have very little energy to do work, can't concentrate or focus.  I feel like I care about very little, except for DD.  I thought that this would get better once I got another BFP (this is what others had told me that had a m/c).

Anyway, now DH got fired and it feels even worse.  Plus we have to put TTC on hold.  I often feel like I can't breath and I am swelling up with tears as I write this.  I think I could sleep for a week straight.

I feel like I want to escape all the badness in my life, which is probably not a good reason to take drugs, but I don't know how to cope with all of this.

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