My daughter just turned 3 and I want to get her a twin bed and dresser in white. Since her room is so small I would prefer the bed not to have a footboard. Can you tell me where you got yours? I haven't been able to find anything yet.
Oh everywhere we looked when we were looking for DS NONWHITE stuff :-) ?There was some cute stuff in a flier from rooms to go and we saw some really nice pieces at the Ashley store (and you can get just the headboard, not the whole room if you want).
I got my dd's at a local furniture store. We got a full with head and footboard (and trundle bed) but they had twin as well. We have 3 local stores and they all had great kids furniture.
I second the Value City Furniture sea island line! That's what we got for Claire, and we love it. The bed was $249 and the dresser was $299, and they are both very well-made. The dresser has 8 drawers and the top two are velvet-lined...seriously nicer than the stuff we have in our room (despite the fact that our furniture cost way more!) haha
Re: Where did you get your white "big girl" furniture?
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
But DD's bed has a footboard. She has the Hemnes daybed, and 2 basic white bookcases, all in her 10x10 room. It doesn't seem too cluttered.