
How to get people to stop asking me...?

How do I get people to stop asking me if/when I'm going to have another baby to try for my girl?  I'm sick of it already!

YES, I really wanted to have a little girl of my own...but apparently that's not the plan for me.  WHY on Earth would I have a 4th child to try for a girl, when the odds are definitely not in my favor AND the 3 I have already have me a nervous wreck?!?!?

Go through pregnancy again (and potential sickness again), more sleepless nights, etc just to have a's really not that serious.

Re: How to get people to stop asking me...?

  • I hear you.  I am getting this too except of course I only have the 2.  Uh, hello people, #2 is only 6 weeks old!  Give me a break.
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  • ask them "why do I need a girl, I have three boys?" :)
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  • Ugh, that would annoy me. I would just tell them, "I love having 3 boys, our family is perfect just the way it is," and leave it at that. Hopefully then they will be feel bad for implying that there is something wrong with only having boys.
  • That would bug me too!  However, I have to say that it is equally annoying when people tell me that I have the perfect family because I have one of each.  Ridiculous!  People need to keep that to themselves!
  • That's really obnoxious. ?We're not telling anyone that this one is another boy, and I keep getting comments where they just assume I'm hoping for a girl. ?Um, I'd like to just be excited about my baby, thank you. ?
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