
Is my DH the only one?!?

He's out getting our taxes done and calls to get DD #2's birthdate.  Um, I know we have 3 kids now, but geesh, she was just born in Dec, it wasn't that long ago dude. Men!

Re: Is my DH the only one?!?

  • I'm so glad you posted this!  I got so mad at my DH yesterday b/c he was doing our taxes and asked me what G's b-day is.  He really couldn't remember!!  So no your DH isn't the only one.

  • This sounds like something my DH would do too! That would be why I do our taxes! LOL ;)
    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I don't even think DH knows when my birthday is let alone when DD's is.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Mine tends to get it wrong.  He says August 1st, because that's the day I went into labor (so he claims as the reason).  It doesn't help that my birthday is September 1st.  I think he's okay with DD - I'm not sure.
  • Yeah, we only have 1 and DH always has to check with me to make sure that he has DS's birthday right. He forgets my birthday too. LOL!
  • Mine does it all of the time.  I let it go because he doesn't remember anyone's birthday.  I kid you not, he even forgot his own birthday one year.

    BTW, how are you feeling?  When are we going to hook up?

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