

I love your new sig. When did Annalise get so big?! She's so cute.
Sorry about your birdie. :-(

Re: Angela814

  • Thank you!  I'm not quite sure what happened.  One day I just had a preschooler.  ;)

    Pearl was sick for almost 2 months before she passed so I knew it was coming.  It's still been really hard.  Cockatiels are supposed to live for close to 20 years.  6 1/2 is so young.  Annalise keeps telling me that Pearlie is at the doctors (she spent the night there a couple times in the last 2 months).  I don't think she quite gets the concept of heaven.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • And look how adorable Amarah was as a baby!  You can still see some of that sassiness in her eyes, can't you?  :)
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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  • That's how they do you. One day they're babies and the next thing you know they're off to school.

    Poor A. My aunt had a cockatiel that she gave to my other aunt when she got pregnant. I think that was in '94ish and Sunshine lived until '05 I think. I was sad too. I used to love to mess with her b/c she was such a funny bird.

    Thanks. Yeah, she started out sassy...and it just keeps growing.


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