
Recommend your umbrella/lightweight stroller here

I'm looking for a stroller for under $100 for DS.  DH and I aren't particularly tall, but we're looking for something that we don't have to slouch over to use - unlike the umbrella stroller MIL uses.  TIA!
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Re: Recommend your umbrella/lightweight stroller here

  • we have the cheap macclaren and DH who is 6'5" can push it without leaning too much. 

    I got it at Target a couple years ago when it was on clearance so it ended up costing about $70.00 or so...I can't remember, but it was under $100.

  • I have the Maclaren Volo and I really like it. I'm 5'9" and it's very easy for me to push. It's also easy to push/steer one handed, which is important to me with having two kids.
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  • I second the Maclaren Volo but it may be a little over $100.....but there are always sales and coupons floating around for BRU and such.

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