DD's legs from the knee down are constant bruises. I don't really notice it because it seems like she is always bruised up. Yesterday we had her baptism and she wore the dress in siggy. I had tons of people telling me how horrible her legs looked. When I ask DD if her legs hurt she says I did it at the park. Is this normal, something I should be concerned about? Does your toddler have bruises everywhere?
Re: Are your toddler's legs like this?
Not usually in the winter because we're not at the park. ?But they often do have a few little owies on their legs. ?
Has she had her hemoglobin levels checked lately? ?Julia was a little anemic as a toddler and she bruised a lot easier than my other girls. ??
DS hardly ever has bruises, but I notice a few of the kids in our playgroup tend to have bruises a lot. And I bruise quite easily. I'd ask your pedi about it at the next appt, but it's probably nothing.