I had a little more spotting after I posted last night, so DH came home from work and we dropped DD off at my mom's and went in to L&D so they could check things out. They didn't do an internal b/c they didn't want to encourage anything that wasn't already happening, but they put me on the monitor for contrax and it showed nothing for 2 hours, and then they did an u/s that showed cervix and placenta are doing fine. I haven't had any more spotting, so it must have just been random. We were there for 5 hours and DD didn't get to bed until 11pm, so it was a LONG night, but I guess the peace of mind was worth it!
We had to resist the urge to find out the sex again b/c the u/s tech was teasing us and said, "Are you sure you don't want me to tell you right now?" but we held off. The heart rate was 130-140 the whole time, which is around what DD's was, too...does the wives' tale say that's a boy or a girl?
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Re: Ended up going to L&D last night. Everything's OK!
Matthew James 1/11/07
Great news!
And good job for holding out. Wait for that, "It's A ....." moment. It's the best
I'm glad everything is fine. I can't believe you are almost done. Have you picked names?
Are you still teaching? I don't see you here much during the day.
We have Evan for a boy, and we're down to Madeline or Raina for a girl. DH prefers Madeline and I prefer Raina, but we both like both names, so while we were whiling away the hours in L&D last night, I told him we should make a deal that if it's a girl, he gets to pick the name if she's born at an "odd" time (3:51, etc.) and I get to pick it if it's an "even" time (3:52, etc.)
I'm still teaching part-time but we go off-track at the end of Feb, so I'll be off all of March and then might go back for a week or so in April depending on when the baby comes.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
glad everything's ok!
Wow-- i would not be able to resist knowing boy/girl! Kuddo's to you!
That's great! I saw your post this morning from last night and was thinking about you. Good for your for resisting the urge to find out. I had mutliple U/S with this last pregnancy and we held off. It was soooooo worth it!!
I was thinking about you last night and this morning. Glad to hear everything is okay!
Glad to hear everything is okay!
Evan was my boy name too!