
Ended up going to L&D last night. Everything's OK!

I had a little more spotting after I posted last night, so DH came home from work and we dropped DD off at my mom's and went in to L&D so they could check things out.  They didn't do an internal b/c they didn't want to encourage anything that wasn't already happening, but they put me on the monitor for contrax and it showed nothing for 2 hours, and then they did an u/s that showed cervix and placenta are doing fine.  I haven't had any more spotting, so it must have just been random.  We were there for 5 hours and DD didn't get to bed until 11pm, so it was a LONG night, but I guess the peace of mind was worth it!

We had to resist the urge to find out the sex again b/c the u/s tech was teasing us and said, "Are you sure you don't want me to tell you right now?" but we held off. =)  The heart rate was 130-140 the whole time, which is around what DD's was, too...does the wives' tale say that's a boy or a girl?

Re: Ended up going to L&D last night. Everything's OK!

  • Wow, glad everything is ok. I also had spotting, so I know how scary that is!  And if the tech knew you didn't want to find out the sex, I'd be pretty miffed that they pushed the issue.
    Happy 4th birthday!
    Matthew James 1/11/07
  • Great news!

    And good job for holding out. Wait for that, "It's A ....." moment. It's the best :)

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I'm glad everything is fine. I can't believe you are almost done. Have you picked names?

    Are you still teaching? I don't see you here much during the day.

  • Wow, scary. I'm glad everything is OK.
  • imageMrsStubbs:

    I'm glad everything is fine. I can't believe you are almost done. Have you picked names?

    Are you still teaching? I don't see you here much during the day.

    We have Evan for a boy, and we're down to Madeline or Raina for a girl.  DH prefers Madeline and I prefer Raina, but we both like both names, so while we were whiling away the hours in L&D last night, I told him we should make a deal that if it's a girl, he gets to pick the name if she's born at an "odd" time (3:51, etc.) and I get to pick it if it's an "even" time (3:52, etc.)

    I'm still teaching part-time but we go off-track at the end of Feb, so I'll be off all of March and then might go back for a week or so in April depending on when the baby comes.

  • glad everything's ok!

    Wow-- i would not be able to resist knowing boy/girl! Kuddo's to you!

  • scary!  glad everything is ok!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • Glad to hear that everything is o.k. !
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • That's great!  I saw your post this morning from last night and was thinking about you.  Good for your for resisting the urge to find out.  I had mutliple U/S with this last pregnancy and we held off.  It was soooooo worth it!!

  • I saw your post last night.  I'm glad everything is ok.  Piece of mind is a great thing and definitely worth it.
  • I'm so glad everything is okay! ?I saw your post this morning and was worried about you! ?
  • whew! Glad everything is okay...FWIW H &N HRs were also very similar

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was thinking about you last night and this morning.  Glad to hear everything is okay! 


  • Glad things are okay, take care of yourself and cubby #2. I can't wait to find out what you are having, silly I know but the suprise in others is kind of fun.
  • Glad to hear everything is okay!

    Evan was my boy name too!

  • I was thinking about you this morning! Glad everything is okay!
  • WONDERFUL news. I'm glad everything is okay.
  • So glad everything is okay.
  • I'm glad everything was okay! ? I was worried about you yesterday. ?
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I am glad that you and the little one are ok. How scary! Good for you on still not finding out. It will be such a great moment in delivery. We didn't know for DD and it was my favorite moment.
    Isabella Sophia 10/1/2006 Photobucket "little miss Avocado
  • So glad you updated, and everything is alright.  I know when I went in around 32 weeks for spotting with DS i was really worried.  After being discharged I talked with my doc and he explained that it's not terribly uncommon at this stage in pregnancy.  He said there is a lot of blood flow down by the cervix and sometimes it just happens. Not that it doesn't make you worry but it's good to know you are not the only one.
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